Hello and welcome to the GunSpot Rumble channel! On this channel, we produce content about guns, firearm training, hot topics, and 2nd Amendment news. Check out our videos and be sure to hit the subscribe button which is the best way to support our work. is a listing website where users can buy and sell 2nd Amendment items. The GunSpot Cast and Crew: Mike Winkle - Creative Director / Operations Manager / George Washington Commentator | Grant LaVelle - Chief Instructor | Dalton Cox - Gun Tech / Producer | Jake Higginbotham- Camera Man | Cooper Bailey- Producer/Cast Member | Christian Isbell- Producer/Cast Member

Gruppo Lupo German Shepherd Dog Blog


Gruppo Lupo, or Wolf Group in English, came to be over time as we strolled our region here in the foothills of the Italian Alps; locals would either greatly admire our sweet beasts or recoil in fear gasping "Cane Lupo!" which is "wolf dog" in Italian. So be it, yes, we are The Gruppo Lupo! And we established this forum in order to share all or our collective knowledge and admiration of our Working Dogs, military, police and civilian. Share your collective training, breeding, diet and health knowledge with The Gruppo and all of our MeWe family.