Romeo Vincenzo my Ferret


Meet Romeo! He is a tiny 4 month old terror! He will attack any moving object! He displays crazy antics for no reason, dancing and bouncing, off everything! Disappears into tunnels and couches just waiting ... the only way you know he is there to attack is by the sound of his laughing and wagging tail! And this Fur Goblin is the rare flying kind, aerial attacks happen daily!! So why the name Romeo....when you look into his black ey teddy bear eyes, you instantly fall in love and BAM he steals your heart! (I hear he keeps them all in a jar)!!



Welcome to my channel, where we explore the depths of Spiritual Ascension, the Languages of Light, and the expansive powers of unity Source Intelligence. I am a Wayshower from the Paradise Sun Universes in Divine Presence for embodying the Integration and Unification alignment principle, working to regenerate the original Eternal Light Body 12-9-6-3 Triunity Grid to the mass potential for organic stargate ascension into the eternal time cycles. I am passionate about making light language music and advocating for spiritual wellness and healthy lifestyles. Thank you for joining me on the Truth-Spirit healing mission to assist in Humanity's Liberation and Unity with the Absolute Divine. May you expand to your highest divine potential. Namaste 🙏💛🦋🌏

Tabitha Gomes Fitness


Aloha!! I am here to help you! I know what an ever changing life does to your body and a fitness routine but I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'m here to be your YouTube Personal Trainer! Seriously! I am serious, ask me anything and I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ll help you with a needed video! I love to research challenging topics, and that\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s what I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'m here for, to sift through the lies and junk. I, Tabitha am an ACE Certified Personal Trainer with a serious passion for helping others! Fitness has been apart of my life through high school sports, the military, fitness competitions, and now motherhood. I have seen my body change multiple times due to my drive in the gym, then through the trials of pregnancy and postpartum. Most importantly I have seen my clients bodies change with the right mindset, determination, and motivation! I will strive to post 2 videos or more per week about: -Home workouts that are quick and effective -Pre and Post Natal workouts and information -Effective HIIT routines, styles, and info -How to build a garage gym

Цанов напред и нагоре


Каналът е посветен на свободния дух,свободната журналистика,любовта към живота и личните истории на известни и неизвестни личности, от които може да поучим и разберем повече за самите себе си. Разговорите ще бъдат записвани в една моя мечта превърнала се в реалност- Студио Дан Колов - първото в България напълно автоматизирано,патриотично студио създанено с много усилия,лешения и любов. Лични уважения към всеки записал се в канала.