Fly Painting


Welcome to Fly Painting, your daily source of artistic inspiration! Dive into a world of nature-inspired masterpieces as we paint the beauty of morning scenes, vibrant landscapes, and the enchanting moonlit night. At Fly Painting, we're committed to delivering daily content for painting enthusiasts who appreciate the serenity of the natural world. Subscribe to support us and join our creative community. Share your thoughts in the comments below – we'd love to hear which paintings resonate with you and any ideas for future artworks. Transform your day with the captivating art of Fly Painting. Subscribe now for a daily dose of nature's beauty on canvas.

Butterfly Power Verified


Powering the Butterfly Generation! Butterfly Power Mission is to Quantum Leap Humanity & Our World Into A Golden Era of Prosperity and a Return To Living In Harmony With All Life On Our Earth Butterfly Power is an energy design and planning company. We assist our clients and partners in making the leap to New Earth Power in their homes, organizations, businesses and events. We create Super-systems integrating solar, wind and water into energy positive system in harmony with Mother Earth.Our solutions go beyond sustainable, encompassing regenerative, to Super Production. Integrating SuperSystems in our homes, businesses, mobile communities. Super-Producing more than what is needed for ourselves, living in prosperity with abundance to share with others. We invite you to join us in this great adventure of transforming ourselves and our world into being sovereign, self-reliant and in harmony with ourselves, each other, the Earth, and Spirit.