Conoce Ama Y Vive Tu Fe Luis Roman


A través de diversos temas, Luis Román comparte el Evangelio y profundiza en las bellezas y riquezas de nuestra Fe Católica. Luis Román es un católico comprometido, felizmente casado y es padre de 2 varones y 2 niñas. Tiene dos grados universitario a nivel de maestría en Administración y Gerencia Estratégica. Por más de 15 años ha trabajado con diversas empresas. Es miembro de la Orden de los Caballeros de Colon y tiene siete certificados con el New Saint Thomas Institute en Filosofía y Teología Católica con una concentración en Apologética y Pensamiento Tomístico. Actualmente es estudiante de Maestria en Teología con la Universidad de Steubenville. Los certificados son los siguientes: Catholic Philosophy and Thomistic Studies Catholic Theology Catholic Apologetics Catholic Church History: Patristics Catholic Church History: Medieval Catholic Church History: Modern Catholic Studies New Testament Puedes contactarlo por email:

Emmanuel TV


Founded by T.B. Joshua of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) in Lagos, Nigeria, Emmanuel TV is a television station with one way and one job. The way is Jesus Christ and the job is to talk about Him to others through words and deeds. Our motto is simple - changing lives, changing nations and changing the world. God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Word is the most effective instrument for change. The people hear and change. Nations hear and change. The world hears and changes. "Emmanuel" means \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'God is with us\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' (Matthew 1:23)! We encourage you to watch Emmanuel TV and witness the power of God in action. God keeps giving us plenty of evidence to believe in Him!

Gemma Jade


I'm a psychic knower, Intuitive Oracle reader, and seer and lifelong medium. I used to deny my abilities but not anymore and I started this channel as a safe space for people just like me and for those who are just curious and seeking to understand that beyond which our eyes can see. I'm a spiritual healer and light worker, and I just want to encourage others to be who they truly are and get in alignment to live their best lives. I'm also a writer and best-selling author, mainly of paranormal nonfiction. There's so much more to me than all of this, so check out my channel and my livestreams and contact me if you'd like to or if you have any questions. Love, light, and so many blessings to you. Always remember, kindness and love are the key. They're literally all that there is. Muahz