

MY Priorities are God, Family And Country! I pursue Truth and Justice! My Dad was in the Navy where he met my Mom from Kaneohe, Hawaii. He was also a Police Officer and Detective over 25 years. My Uncle Mat served in 3 World Wars! WW II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. That is where I got the desire for Freedom, Truth and Justice! Because of all the evil and corruption going on, I have made it a Mission to seek Truth and Justice for all People, especially since we are all getting blocked and deleted from all the corrupt social media, and the MSM. Countless hours are spent seeking truth in research, videos and research! We must stand up America, and fight for our rights and Justice! General Flynn tells us to get involved locally, and to stand up for our Civil and Constitutional rights. With Prayer and Determination, Patriots standing up, President Trump and the Military, AMERICA WILL BE THE BEST IT HAS EVER BEEN! The Great Awakening is here, March on Digital Soldiers, let's do this!!!!!!!!!! To purchase CD's go to the Donate Button and pay for them. $10.00 each & $ 4.00 Shipping!!!!!!!!! Bitchute Rumble Telegram Email

Vaccine Choice Canada


Who We Are and What We Do:\nVaccine Choice Canada is a volunteer run, federally registered not-for-profit society. Formed in response to growing parental concern regarding the safety of current vaccination programs in Canada, we serve as a public information and resource group committed to protecting children from the known risks of vaccines currently in use and those being developed for future use in Canada by providing information about the components of vaccines, side effects, and possible long-term health effects. We are a national organization with members across Canada, many of whom have children who have suffered a broad spectrum of vaccine reactions and injuries, including neurodevelopmental injuries and death following vaccination. Our mandate is to empower families to make educated, voluntary, and informed decisions about vaccination, to support people in their right to health freedom, and to maintain and further the individual’s freedom from enforced medication. A growing number of health care practitioners, both physicians and practitioners of alternative medicine, support our mandate to provide parents and legal guardians with full disclosure of the risks associated with vaccines before the decision to vaccinate is made.

Humble Mechanic Verified


On Humble Mechanic we talk about many areas of the car repair world. I teach about cars, car parts, and even do DIY videos. Also, if you are a mechanic, or thinking about becoming a technician or mechanic I show you how to get started I am a master certified Volkswagen technician. I have been fixing broken VWs for over 10 years. I have also been training and mentoring young techs for about 10 years. I have seen a lot in my career, and I am happy to share those experiences with you.

Preaching New IFB


Reposting Sermons from " New Independent Fundamental Baptist ( New IFB ) " Churches and Related Content. --- Also check these Churches out on their YouTube channels: - Faithful Word Baptist Church : - First Works Baptist Church : - Verity Baptist Church : - Mountain Baptist Church : - Strong Hold Baptist Church :