Dr. Edward Group


Dr. Group is a world-renowned natural health expert, best-selling author, and frequent guest on radio and television. Seeking to share the TRUTH on an uncensored platform, he is disclosing the information that the medical industry does NOT want you to know. As a healer and alternative health advocate, Dr. Group has dedicated his life to helping others. Dr. Group’s mission is to identify and eliminate the root cause of disease. He is the founder and CEO of Global Healing, an industry leader and innovator in the field of natural health. Through his company and his media appearances, Dr. Group is spreading his message of positivity, hope, and wellness throughout the world.

Staged Chessboard


This channel is for re-uploading content that more people need to watch and share as well as giving my takes on everything going on in the world as it. I will give my thoughts on politics, entertainment, communities and more. I will also expose some of the wolves in sheep's clothing that claim to be against the system. Remember: "All the world is a stage." "The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack." My other accounts are here: https://bio.link/stagedchessboard