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💛MzBugeisha Segments™💛


💛🖤🤍Hello (❁´◡`❁).......🕊️✝️🙏🏽💕✨😊🤍🖤💛 ◦•✿💛Greetings & Welcome!!!✨ ... | About: Believer✝️🕊️🙏🏽💕 • Mom • Casual Gamer/DieAlotBot™ • ✿[ 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖙 / 𝔟𝔢 𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔲𝔥! ]✿ • :) Excited to be here and look forward to meeting some cool and genuine peeps! Much love & enjoy your stay or visit! All genuine support is greatly appreciated! Alrighty, have a great day, be safe always and God Bless!.... - Anna H. (❁´◡`❁) "💛◉ ◦•✿💛🤍Segments🤍💛✿•◦ ◦•✿💛✨ I stream my MzBugeisha: "Auditory Relaxation & Stimulation Segments” with Visuals, SFX and Music Segments occasionally (some segments feature on screen game(s) periodically). The purpose of the segments are intended to hopefully help others to relax, learn, rest, study and/or meditate (but not limited to thereof). I truly enjoy creating the segments (it is one of my passions), as I believe the nurturing of our mental health is detrimental to our well being! We live in some stressful & difficult times and it is imperative to take time to breathe, relax, recharge, heal, rest and decompress! I personally listen to them as well and they are very therapeutic. I am in hopes that they will be for yall as well! .. | ✿ Rest • Relax • Chill • Cozy • Decompress • Study • Meditate on His Holy Word • Personal Journaling • Sip on some hot cocoa, tea or coffee! ✿• \\\\ ⬅️----✨ HAPPY DECOMPRESSION™ ✨ ----➡️ //// ✿! Much love, peace, be safe always.....God Bless! - Anna H. ✝️🕊️✨🌺💕💛✨✿•◦ ✿ More to come soon....stay tuned! Thanks for the support! ✿ ...Yeshua Jesus Christ is my Lord!...💛✿ Designs: ...◦•✿💛"First off, all the glory and credit goes to my Master and Lord God Almighty, for He is the One that blesses all His children with gifts and talents! So thank you my precious Lord God Almighty for being so gracious and loving to provide your children with all the gifts/talents you bestow upon us all! May they be used for Your glory and Kingdom!" - Anna H. aka MzBugeisha ✝️🕊️🙏🏽💕✨ ◦•✿ All Layouts ◉ Scenes ◉ Designs ◉ Panels/Banners ◉ Scene Transitions are Created, Written and Designed by Anna H. aka MzBugeisha. ◉ Some emotes/badges are also created, designed and written by Anna H. aka MzBugeisha: (coming soon✨) ◦•✿ "Respectively, all other custom emotes/badges I purchased (in 2022) and bear legal license(s) for my use as intended legally from various talented artist on etsy; of which are also protected under their ownership/copyrights as the original creators/artist thereof (much love & thankyou!!)." - Anna H. ◦•✿ **"Please be advised, that I do not give any verbal and/or written authorization for any of my own original content; which includes, any and all forms of my own original materials/property contained within my own original content (but not limited to thereof): writings, verbal, recorded video, recorded audio, format, images, text, titles, descriptions, original art, logos, emblems, to be used without my sole permission. I do not give any verbal and/or written authorization for any of my own original content; which includes, any and all forms of my own original materials/property contained within my own original content (but not limited to thereof) to be used unlawfully, duplicated, printed, redistributed, sold, displayed or in any other manner and/or form unlawfully, unauthorized and without my sole permission." - Anna H. ** Copyright © 2024 - 2025 MzBugeisha™; MzBugeisha Gaming™; MzBugeisha Gaming and Live Streams™; DieAlotBot™; MzBugeisha Merch™; MzBugeisha Store™; MzBugiesha Shop™; MzBugeisha Online™; MzBugeisha Segments™; MzBugeisha Auditory Relaxation & Stimulation Segments™; MzBugeisha Segments™ "Happy Decompression™"; "Happy Decompression™"; "Botanical RESToration™"; "EnclosedPatioEscapes™"; "Acoustic Cozy™"; "Relaxing RAIN-DEER™"; "MzBugeisha Segments™ "Relaxing Rapids™"; "MzBugeisha Segments™ "Sea Water Solitude™"; "MzBugeisha Segments™ "Relaxing Rapids™"; MZB Tingz™; MzBugeisha Tingz™; "Speak life, touch hearts and reach souls!" - MzBugeisha Podcast™; MzBugeisha Podcast™; "D.I.Y Projects • Learning • Observations" - MzBugiesha D.I.Y.™; MzBugeisha D.I.Y.™ by Anna H. All Rights Reserved. _end of message.