Ricardo Médium


Depuis des années j\'ai reçu des messages sous forme de rêves, de visions, de méditations. Je ne crois qu’en un seul Dieu unique d’Amour et libre de tout dogmes religieux, de toute obédience. Ces derniers temps, j’ai vu se manifester dans le monde des messages que j’avais reçus par le passé. J’ai donc décidé de créer cette chaîne d’information, pour partager les prochains. Les messages pourront parfois sembler dur à encaisser, mais le but qui me motive à faire ça, est de vous amener à vous réveiller par vous-même. Je ne me considère pas comme un guide, je suis juste un transmetteur. J’aborderais plusieurs sujets, je ferais une analyse de l’actualité d’un point de vue spirituel, je transmettrais des prédictions, et je vous donnerais des outils pour aller vers votre vraie réalité spirituelle. L’Amour est plus grand que tout et toutes les vidéos reposent sur ce principe immuable qu’est l’Amour. Ne me croyez pas sur parole, les événement à venir s’imposeront d’eux-mêmes. Merci.

Foreign And Domestic Verified


Former counterterrorism officer Drew Berquist and 20-year lawman Ray Dietrich tackle stories from both home and abroad lending their unique experiences. Join us for a new episode every Saturday Check out the extended and uncensored interviews on RVM Premium, try it for just $1 - http://redvoicemedia.net/fd Follow us on social: https://twitter.com/theFDShow https://gettr.com/user/thefdshow https://truthsocial.com/@theFDshow https://t.me/thefdshow https://gab.com/thefdshow

DMZ America Podcast


Intelligent and intellectual analysis of current events and politics, with lots of callbacks to American history and lots of laughs! Two political cartoonists, a left-of-the-Democrats socialist and a conservative libertarian discuss and debate election campaigns, scandals, wars and anything else that's in the news. Never mind the shoutfests! Because award-winning artists Ted Rall (syndicated columnist, essayist for the Wall Street Journal, ex-staff cartoonist for the Los Angeles Times, Pulitzer finalist, bestselling Gen X author of "Revenge of the Latchkey Kids," "To Afghanistan and Back" and "Bernie") and Scott Stantis (Chicago Tribune cartoonist, contributor to Centerclip, Winner of the Sigma Delta Chi Journalism Award, "Prickly City" comic strip creator) are best friends, disagreement is respectful and intelligent, minds get changed and insights are gained.

United Kingdom


United Kingdom, island country located off the northwestern coast of mainland Europe. The United Kingdom comprises the whole of the island of Great Britain—which contains England, and Scotland—as well as the northern portion of the island of Ireland. The name Britain is sometimes used to refer to the United Kingdom as a whole. The capital is London, which is among the world’s leading commercial, financial, and cultural centres. Other major cities include Birmingham, Liverpool, and Manchester in England, Belfast and Londonderry in Northern Ireland, Edinburgh and Glasgow in Scotland, and Swansea, and Cardiff, in Wales.