Zvanični Rumble kanal\nBALKAN INFO je nezavisna medijska produkcija osnovana u junu 2015. godine u Beogradu. Tu smo kao glas svih koji ne žele da budu deo kratkotrajnih projekata i saveza, svih onih koji poštuju srpske tradicionalne vrednosti i koji čuvaju sećanje na naše slavne pretke. Hrabri smo i odlučni u želji da se odupremo svima koji žele da okupiraju Srbiju i od nje stvore koloniju, a narod pretvore u bezlične poslušnike tuđih država i korporacija.\n\nHvala Vam puno što pratite naše emisije i što nam pišete Vaše predloge i sugestije kako da emisiju učinimo još kvalitetnijom. Sa nadom da će nas u ovoj pravednoj i plemenitoj borbi biti više, pridružite nam se i kontaktirajte nas na

Appalachia's Homestead with Patara ✅


Free gift for all of my Subscribers..... How a suburban family left it all behind in order to homeschool & homestead in Appalachia. Learn how to begin homesteading and to learn vital skills such as gardening, food preservation, animal husbandry, homeschooling, genealogy and more! We have chickens, turkeys, geese, quail, ducks, dairy cows, dairy goats, rabbits, 3 Great Pyrenees & the cutest farm cat around! Come along with us on our journey as we follow our Appalachian roots! Thank you for following our journey & supporting our channel! ~

Delay In Block Productions


Delay In Block Productions was founded in November of 2011 by Drayton Blackgrove, a rail enthusiast with a lifelong passion for trains, as a means of sharing his favorite hobby with the world. Originally beginning as a small YouTube Channel, Delay In. Block™ has evolved into a multi-media production company offering high-quality railroad content online and in physical formats. Today, the Delay In Block Rumble Channel is the fastest-growing railroad-related channel and is home to some of the most viewed, high-definition railfan videos on the internet. "Delay In Block" is a Trademark of Delay In Block Productions.