Creative Society Verified


The international project "Creative Society" was initiated by people around the world. Consumerism dominates in today’s society, and we all see that it has played itself out, which is leading humankind into a dead-end. On May 11, 2019, at the global online conference “SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE”, people raised this issue and expressed a common opinion that building a new creative society is a vital necessity. The unique format of the conference inspired people to take action because they were able to express their sincere opinion and take responsibility for their own lives and our common future. At this stage, we set out the goal of finding out from people around the world whether they want to live in the Creative Society as well as of informing the public about this possibility. Here you will find videos produced by people from more than 180 countries around the world. Join this initiative and visit website

Blurry Creatures Podcast Verified


For centuries, across the width and breadth of the planet, there have been thousands of documented sightings of creatures that do not fit the scientific narrative. These ‘Blurry Creatures’ inhabit the fringes of reality and imagination, between science and legend, and between what is tangible and intangible. In this show, Nate and Luke follow the stories, speak to the experts and witnesses, and take the listener down the rabbit hole--digging for the truth and journeying behind the scenes of some of the greatest creature mysteries in the history of humankind.

Созидательное общество


«Созидательное Общество» — это проект всего человечества. Главная цель этого проекта: ПОСТРОИТЬ В МАСШТАБАХ ВСЕГО МИРА СОЗИДАТЕЛЬНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО, в котором Жизнь Человека является наивысшей ценностью. Сегодня у нас есть возможность в кратчайшие сроки, мирным путём вывести нашу цивилизацию на новую ступень эволюционного развития. Давайте вместе создавать Будущее, которого достойно человечество! Всю информацию о проекте «Созидательное Общество» можно найти на сайте: Связаться с нами:

Creative Society for the whole world


The international project "Creative Society" was initiated by people around the world. Consumerism dominates in today’s society, and we all see that it has played itself out, which is leading humankind into a dead-end. On May 11, 2019, at the global online conference “SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE”, people raised this issue and expressed a common opinion that building a new creative society is a vital necessity. The unique format of the conference inspired people to take action because they were able to express their sincere opinion and take responsibility for their own lives and our common future. At this stage, we set out the goal of finding out from people around the world whether they want to live in the Creative Society as well as of informing the public about this possibility. Here you will find videos produced by people from more than 180 countries around the world. Join this initiative and visit website



Family of 6 learning the ropes as we expand our small 2 acre homestead in Warner, New Hampshire. Subscribe and Grow with Us! In 2015 we left Texas after being discharged from the Army we moved to Surprise, Arizona. (Phoenix) A few years later we realized we needed to BREAK FREE from the busy city life and make a change for the better. That's why we left the suburbs and moved to small town of Warner, New Hampshire. Now we are transforming our property and acquiring animals so we can move toward being a more self sufficient family. Follow us on INSTAGRAM- Facebook-

Съзидателно общество


ЦЕЛ НА ПРОЕКТА: СЪЗДАВАНЕ НА СЪЗИДАТЕЛНО ОБЩЕСТВО, СВОБОДНО ОТ СИСТЕМАТА НА ПОТРЕБИТЕЛСКОТО МИСЛЕНЕ. * Да се създадат условия за изграждането на съзидателно общество на цялата планета с мирни средства. * Да запитаме хората по целия свят дали искат да живеят в съзидателно общество и как си го представят. * Да се осигури платформа за глобална, международна, открита дискусия за концепцията и модела на съзидателното общество във всички сфери на човешкия живот. * Да се намерят нови начини за обединяване на цялото човечество и създаване на условия за активното участие на всеки човек в живота на обществото, независимо от социалния статус, религия или националност. Присъединете се към тази инициатива и посетете уебсайта