Pleasant Valley Ranch - Family and a Community of People Working Together

1 Follower

We consist of four generations of family members and a community of people living and working together. We’ve been passionate about natural health products, growing and sourcing organic produce and antibiotic-free meats, and using sustainable farming practices. We want to move beyond the self-interested isolation of private lives and beyond the superficial social contacts that pass for “relationships.” The biblical ideal of community challenges us to commit to a life together in real relationships. We know maturity takes time, but we know less well that it also takes each other. It’s a process. Love, forgive, and regard each other more highly than yourselves. Teach and correct each other, encourage each other, pray for each other, and bear each other’s burdens. Serve one another and submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. We will make mistakes in our efforts but commit to acknowledging mistakes, reflecting, and trying again. Mistakes are teachable moments.