Nichiren Shoshu True Buddhism


Nichiren Shoshu is called True Buddhism because it is the practice in this time period that helps individuals attain enlightenment. Attaining enlightenment or Buddhahood in ones present form Buddha Buddhism Nichiren Spiritual Goddess Goddesses God Religion Religious Spiritual Spirit Spirt Guide Twin Flame Meditation Buddha Enlightenment True Happiness Ultimate Reality Soulmate Souls Mind and Body Pure Joy Pure Bliss Pure Happiness Heaven on Earth No War Love Peace

Nektalov Chiropractic & Wellness


My name is Dr Boris Nektalov, Founder of Nektalov Chiropractic & Enzyme Nutrition. We focus on total body wellness through the maintenance of a healthy spine and digestion. I've practiced and specialize in a non-surgical spinal decompression and spinal corrective treatment. My objective is to research, review and develop the best integral treatment for neck and back herniated disc-related conditions. I continue to travel all over the world to obtain the most recent and advanced research and procedures for treating spinal conditions. We're also the only office in the Metropolitan area offering chiropractic spinal corrective care and non-surgical spinal decompression with digestive support.

Dr. Ace the Chiropractor


My channel is about finding solutions to complicated health issues by demonstrating how balanced focused chiropractic can change lives. I have been in practice for over 29 years and discovered what I was taught in school was wrong! School taught me a technique called Gonstead and for my first 15 years I practiced this very popular method. I helped many people but I felt like I could do more. So one day I just started over. Reading, Observing & Practicing I discovered the secret. Since the brain sits on top of the body I need to address the body from the head down & not the feet up as I was taught in school. This channel is dedicated to showing how the brain body connection changes lives. I call my technique the Thayer Method. I post multiple videos every week. I invite you to watch my channel & see how my method could help you.

Réfléchir et Agir Libre


Visiteur unique ou abonné (in)fidèle - Bienvenue Tu trouveras ici : - Des vidéos inédites à regarder et garder pour tes petits enfants & pour l'Histoire - Des actualités (toujours fraîches même en été) - De l'information (pas toujours d'actualité mais en rapport souvent) - Du questionnement (pour se questionner) - De l'analyse (sans avoir à utiliser le petit gobelet) - De l'humour (à 37°C) Tu ne trouveras pas ici : - D'appels à la violence, à la haine, à un numéro surtaxé - De complotisme, de satanisme, de transhumanisme, et tout un tas de mots qui finissent en .isme - De développement personnel pour être champion en développé/couché - De conseils "beauté" pour concurrencer Loana - De conseils "minceur" ...idem - De formations pour devenir riche en 72h avec seulement 2€ d'apport, le tout pour 49€ tout rond au lieu de 1699,99€ (promotion à durée illimitée pendant 2h) Tu as lu jusqu'ici ? Alors j'espère que tu t'es abonné, activé les notifs & blablabla... Be ReAL

Chicago Red Pilled Podcast


2 Late 30’ something Black former High school classmates reunite to start a podcast from a conservative perspective. We talk about our red pilling and our observations over 20 years of growing up in Chicago. We share our unique lens and talk about challenges that Black conservatives and All people in general face in our “Woke” society we live in. We also dive deep into talking about how we can help solve problems effecting the black communities and America overall. It is a show about people, connections, and thought provoking conversation, and the need to challenge our notions/ assumptions and ways of looking at our collective situation as black people in America, specifically the inner cities of America and ways of looking at what we have been fed living in inner cities and more importantly, ways to reverse the narrative . Welcome to Chicago Red Pilled Podcast