Barbara O'Neill en español


¡Bienvenidos a nuestro canal de Rumble dedicado al bienestar y la salud natural! 🌿🌞 En este espacio, nos complace presentarles un proyecto especial en el que traducimos, doblamos con IA y compartimos en español las enseñanzas y la sabiduría de una renombrada naturópata y conferencista australiana, Bárbara O'Neill. Nuestra misión es brindar acceso a valiosos conocimientos sobre remedios naturales y prácticas para el cuidado del cuerpo a los hispanohablantes, con el objetivo de fomentar la prevención de enfermedades y el fortalecimiento de la salud integral. Acompáñenos en este emocionante viaje hacia un estilo de vida más saludable y armonioso. Aquí encontrarán información relevante, consejos prácticos y perspectivas enriquecedoras sobre cómo prevenir enfermedades y optimizar su bienestar. ¡Únanse a nuestra comunidad y descubran cómo pueden incorporar hábitos saludables y naturales en sus vidas diarias! ¡Vamos juntos hacia un futuro más brillante y saludable! 🌱✨

5 Paragraph - Military Management Method For The Modern Workforce Verified


Carry out your vision… 5 Paragraph puts your entire design, build, software, accounting, sales, marketing, biz dev, advertising, team, all of it - all on one sheet of music singing in harmony in order to bring your idea into reality. Each discipline has their own project management method or agile scrum or relationship-based care, etc. Everyone has their own way of doing things and each discipline has their own standard operating procedures…. So does the military. The military flies jets, shoots artillery, maintains accountability of supplies, sails ships, does administrative work and it all centers around one simple template for planning and method for taking action – 5 Paragraph From the joint chief’s strategy all the way down to the squads carrying out the mission in the field, it all runs on the same military management method. Now it’s available to you the modern workforce. From the owners on the board to the C-suite and your teams in the field, your entire organization … 5 Paragraph empowers every leader.

The Poetry Channel with Barbara K and Daniel D.


The Poetry Channel with Barbara K and Daniel D. The channel was created to reveal her talents in creating poems that are gathering dust since her death in 2017. Barbara was a loving wife, loving mother, who cared about life. She could make you smile when you were down and comfort you when life was beating you up. Barbara was one of kind. I hope you will take the time and read her poems and thoughts from the beginning to the end so, you may get the full sensation and passion from reading them. I have added a truely remarkable man that creates poetry, his name is: Daniel D. Donovan, enjoy Thank You I will make a positive difference in someone's life today.