The Bearded Carpenter


I want to teach you how to build your own log cabin. HI, my name is Paul and welcome to my channel. The Dream of my wife and I from childhood was to live in a log cabin in the country. Shortly after we married, that dream became a partial reality with our first off-grid log cabin, secluded in the foot hills of the Ouachita Mountains. Some years later, just down the valley, I built the log home of our dreams where we have lived and raised our family for nearly 25 years. Over the years, I have had the privilege of working with other professional log builders and have gleaned much from their knowledge. With that being said, my desire is to provide you with complete detailed information so that you can build your own log homestead, be it from off-grid tiny cabin to refined log home. Next to God and family, log and timber building is my passion. Please join me as I endeavor to help you on your journey to making YOUR dream become a reality.

Renewed Covenant Fellowship


Renewed Covenant Fellowship is a Sabbath keeping, Torah Observant community of believers in YahShua Messiah located in Salisbury, NC. We believe the whole Bible is TRUE and relevant for our world today. We seek to follow the commands of Yahweh not for salvation, but because of salvation. We believe in salvation by grace through faith in YahShua Messiah (Jesus Christ). It is out of love for our Saviour that we follow His commands. John 14:15 - "If you love me, keep my commandments. We are not affiliated with any group, church or religious denomination. We are currently meeting at the Spencer Women's Club, Spencer NC.

Autismo Pensante


Olá, me chamo Ricardo Oliveira e você está no canal Autismo Pensante, onde costumo abordar sobre autismo, neurodiversidade, deficiência e política, incluindo o modelo social da deficiência e marxismo. O canal são para autistas e demais pessoas com deficiência, pais, profissionais e qualquer um que esteja interessado nos assuntos abordados Sou, autista, trabalho com Comunicação e atuo no tema de Direitos Humanos, em especial da causa das pessoas com deficiência, o norte que sigo são os estudos marxistas e do modelo social da deficiência Caso você tenha dúvida sobre algum tema, é só comentar em algum vídeo, ou mesmo me seguir nas redes sociais pelo @AutismoPensante, nas outras redes costumo falar do canal, além de vários outros projetos sobre autismo e movimento de pessoas com deficiência que acabo participando! E não se esqueça também de se inscrever no canal para acompanhar as atualizações! E-mail de contato