Animes and Stories


Dragon Ball Super is a Japanese anime and manga series that serves as a direct sequel to the original Dragon Ball manga and anime, created by Akira Toriyama. It takes place after the events of the Buu Saga of Dragon Ball Z and follows the adventures of Goku and his friends as they face new threats to the universe. The series introduces new characters and villains, as well as returning characters from previous Dragon Ball installments. It also introduces new power levels and transformations, such as Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue. The main storyline of Dragon Ball Super revolves around the search for the Super Dragon Balls, which are powerful artifacts that can grant any wish. Along the way, Goku and his friends encounter powerful opponents, such as Beerus, the God of Destruction, and his angelic attendant Whis, as well as the evil Zamasu and his creation, the fusion entity known as Fusion Zamasu. Dragon Ball Super has been praised for its stunning animation and fight scenes, as well as its continuation of the beloved Dragon Ball story. It has also been criticized for its pacing and inconsistent quality in certain episodes. Overall, it is a must-watch for fans of the Dragon Ball franchise and those who enjoy action-packed anime with high-stakes battles and an engaging story line.