Being Human Now


Welcome Tribe! On this channel we explore what it really means to be a human being. What are we really meant to be doing in this realm? We explore natural healing, hidden history, occult knowledge, the supernatural, and new ways of living. We are meant to be more than we've been told and we know it! "I am just a human being trying to make it in a world that is rapidly losing its understanding of being human." ~John Trudell "The human heart, as of course we all know, is essentially good. But between governments, false gods, striving for survival, the heart gets mixed up with the head and the feet and the elbows and the intestine. And the peace and the madness. And the heart gets strangled out a bit. It's a good organ and there is complete hope for humanity if it ever gets a little bit straight. It's all there, it's totally there, there is total hope of goodness forever. But we got lost somewhere. How we can ever straighten that out, I don't know." ~Charles Bukowski

Meet the Incredible, Unsung Heros of Funny Dogs


You will get STOMACH ACHE FROM LAUGHING SO HARD🐶Funny Dog Videos. This channel is for animal lovers who want to share videos with cute animals and funny animals with animal lovers. Laughs have shown that stress can be alleviated through modern research, and you can also restore your mental health and confidence. Furthermore, animals are not only interesting but also heal us who live in a stressful society, which is also our vitality.\nIf you like the video please hit the subscribe. Thank you.