BAM! Belgian Alternative Media Verified


BAM! est un nouveau média alternatif, pluraliste, optimiste, rigoureux, impertinent et, surtout, indépendant. Nous sommes un collectif de citoyens, issus de catégories socio-professionnelles et générationnelles variées, journalistes, militants, entrepreneurs, commerçants, artistes… soucieux de défendre, aujourd’hui plus que jamais, la liberté d’opinion. Notre motivation: aborder sans tabou la crise actuelle de la Covid-19, en questionnant les enjeux scientifiques démocratiques, économiques, psychologiques, philosophiques, environnementaux et culturels qui en découlent. Constatant que les médias officiels jouent de moins en moins leur rôle critique, nous voulons recréer le débat et avoir un impact sur l’opinion publique, en donnant une information rigoureuse, éclairante et non biaisée, qui permette à chacun de faire son opinion.

Alabama Predator Poachers


The leading child predator exposure organization in the great state of Alabama founded in early 2021, With a goal to generate awareness about a rising epidemic within our state, nation, and world, on all levels, from the lone rapist, to the foaming, writhing, demon possessed elite. Growing protection of this class of person in combination with rape rates and growing numbers of predators, along with the rights of all Americans being chipped away is certainly creating a tough situation for many, and leaves much food for thought for the American weighing his and her current or future children's future. We at APP hope to generate hope and perhaps inspiration for all that there are still forces of good rising to combat this massive wall we all face, and join us in this push to protect our children, and ourselves from evil. Sharpen your swords.

GMN TV - Great Maharlika Nation


GMN TV - Great Maharlika Nation (Registered as GMN Internet Radio Broadcasting) Gising Maharlika Nation is a non-profit group with a benevolent heart and rendered voluntarily services to God, Man and Nation of all Humanity. We are a non-political, non-partisan and non-sectarian group. We act as an Independent News and Media alternative. Bringing truth and only truth to the all Filipino people. Thank you for your trust, believe and supports to keep our services doing best in serving God, Man and Nation. So help us Almighty God! GMN Social Network : VIEW US ALSO IN OTHER PLATFORMS: FB GMN TV1 - FB GMN TV2 - FB GMN TV3 - FB GMN Community - Youtube GMN TV1 - Youtube GMN TV2 - Youtube GMN TV3 - Youtube GMN TV4 - Youtube GMN TV5 - Youtube GMN TV6 - Youtube GMN TV7 - Youtube GMN TV8 - Rumble GMN TV - Twitch GMN TV - Twitter GMN TV - Bitchute GMN TV -