Emotional Badass


Emotional Badass is a podcast for healers, seekers, dreamers, highly sensitive people and empaths. The show was created in 2018 to create an accessible means for people to improve their mental health , reduce anxiety and stress, defeat inner demons, and grow our wellness and well being. We feature short digestible episodes on everything from narcissism, self care, ptsd, inner child work, self esteem, managing our feelings, trauma, bullying, recovery, healing, and meditations.

A Badge of Honor TV Verified


Former Secret Service LEO Samantha Horwitz and former NYPD Detective John Salerno host A Badge of Honor Podcast to highlight Post Traumatic Stress Injury recovery, wellness, and resiliency possible through training and support. Their organization by the same name works with police department mental health liasons and critical incidence management teams to provide workshops that are pivotal to successful lives and families in our communities. Call 469-232-7894 or go to ABadgeOfHonor.org to start a workshop or sponsor an officer in your hometown!