Ba'al Busters
4,477 FollowersReal History, Lie Detection, Pattern Recognition, Analysis, Investigation, Solutions
Real History, Lie Detection, Pattern Recognition, Analysis, Investigation, Solutions
Gaming and Chat. Watch, Chat, Play!
Canal de Receitas Saudáveis para uma Vida Saudável!
BA's Dirt Bike Racing from Utah Series - 70M - 50+ Novice Class
Na 12 jaar voorzitter van Privacy First heeft Bas zijn voorzitterschap neerlegt om zich te richten op de politiek. Door de jaren heen heeft de stichting Privacy First onder leiding van Filippini zich hard gemaakt voor onderwerpen als wifi-tracking, cameratoezicht, Wiv 2017 (de ‘sleepwet’), SyRI, PSD2, en het opslaan van vingerafdrukken en identiteitskaarten.
Random Minute of Islam @BA_Recite is my YouTube Random Minute of Islam Random Minute of Quran Random Minute of Islamic Lectures #RandomMinuteofIslam #RandomMinuteofquran #RandomMinuteofIslamicLectures
Only positive vibes
A Channel with entertainment about world and Rumble
Nossa missão é aprender, ensinar, compartilhar informações e conectar você ao conhecimento. Ensino Fundamental - Ensino médio
Your Alip Ba Ta Video Music is here
BoonFamily Goes Pigshit, The Boon family leaves their luxurious lifestyle life in Pattaya and moves to Esan, Thailand. Everybody who remembers the Tv hit "The Beverly Hillbillies" is a low-income family who got suddenly rich and moved from the farmland to the city of Beverly Hills, California. Boon, I got myself into a Real-time opposite situation with my family. Three months after the pandemic started the Boon Family left Pattaya City to live on Kato's farm. The farm got built the last year for Kato's family. It was never the intention for Mama Rak and Papa Bas to leave their luxurious houses and lifestyle in Pattaya till the Thai Government closed the borders because of the #COVID #pandemic. Papa Bas did not hesitate twice. Together with Mama Rak (then pregnant with Conan Boon) and Baby Kato Boon, they decided to leave their mansion in Pattaya to go live on a farm in the Esan (farm district in Thailand near Laos's border). No more beaches, boat trips, islands, and fancy restaurants.
Music cover
ARASBA Associação de Rádio Amadores de Serrinha ARASBA, é uma associação de rádio amadores de Serrinha Bahia, criado com o intuito de fortalecer o sistema de comunicação da região no âmbito do amadorismo, registrado na ANATEL, com o prefixo de PY6GPS, na frequência de VHF - 146.770 -600 - Sub. 77.0. - GPS significa também, Grupo de Rádio Amadores Prestadores de Serviços de Utilidade Pública e Social de Serrinha Bahia. Técnico Responsável e Mantenedor da Repetidora do Site e do WhatsApp: ARAS - PY6SN - Sérgio Teles.
This channel aims to share videos of beautiful animals
FBA Profit Mastery – Resale Rights Video is a game-changing video course that reveals the secrets to making money on Amazon through the FBA program. This course will teach you how to choose profitable products, create effective ad campaigns, and manage your Amazon business. With this course, you can earn up to $10,000 per month working just a few hours a week. Plus, you'll get resale rights to the video course, allowing you to earn even more money by selling it to others.
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