The Oracle of Athena


This channel will focus on Mathematical, Logical, and Philosophical topics, especially paradoxes and conundrums that I think will engage a large segment of the people who have an above average interest in such things. I will occasionally stray into other areas that have logical or mathematical roots or for which I believe I can share an important and interesting insight. The views and solutions presented are uniquely my own, based upon my experiences and thoughts and analysis concerning a topic. Because most ideas are wrong as I have been reminded, you will probably find weaknesses in the ideas presented on this channel. However, that may be the price we pay for focusing on our own thoughts about a topic. If you are looking for the high probability presentation or opinion, you are not likely to find it here. That may mean that I am wrong more than right. You be the judge. I am hoping that instead of being right, I am presenting an interesting and useful perspective.



Welcome to the "Infinite Energy Source" channel. Immerse yourself in a world of healing and empowerment as we explore the realms of Reiki, shamanic wisdom, and the incredible power of sound vibrations. Embark on a soul-nourishing journey with us: Experience the magic of sound healing, where vibrations, frequencies, and Hertz create a symphony of positive change. Learn how sound can elevate emotions, align energies, and lead you towards profound transformation. Our mission is to guide you to your heart's centre, where you can forge a direct connection with the universal source of love and light. Through this connection, you'll realign with your true self and step into a life of purpose, joy, and authenticity. Unveil the secrets of high vibrational living, attracting abundance and positivity into your life. Our channel is your companion on the journey to becoming your most vibrant and loving self. Like, comment, and subscribe to stay updated on our transformative content.