Emmanuel TV


Founded by T.B. Joshua of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) in Lagos, Nigeria, Emmanuel TV is a television station with one way and one job. The way is Jesus Christ and the job is to talk about Him to others through words and deeds. Our motto is simple - changing lives, changing nations and changing the world. God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Word is the most effective instrument for change. The people hear and change. Nations hear and change. The world hears and changes. "Emmanuel" means \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'God is with us\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' (Matthew 1:23)! We encourage you to watch Emmanuel TV and witness the power of God in action. God keeps giving us plenty of evidence to believe in Him!

Nueva Biología


Esta iniciativa nace con la necesidad de luchar por un profundo cambio en el paradigma biológico, a través del fundamento científico, la libertad y sobre todo la verdad. La biología ha sufrido desde la Revolución Industrial un proceso de comercialización, que ha desembocado es su uso como arma contra la población. Actualmente, nuestra sociedad vive temiendo a la naturaleza debido a mentiras tales como que «los virus son asesinos» o que «los animales pueden trasmitir enfermedades pandémicas que acaben con la Humanidad». Y todo ello, según nos cuentan, debido a la destrucción de la Tierra, que en realidad, están llevando a cabo las grandes corporaciones depredadoras. Excusa perfecta para librar a la sociedad humana de sus derechos, convirtiéndoles además en culpables de este sistema socioeconómico feroz, en el que la biología de los seres vivos nada tiene que ver y sí la avaricia de algunos seres humanos. La verdad que nos esconden es clara, jamás van a solucionar la destrucción masiva que sufre nuestro planeta y tampoco quieren que nos enteremos que la biología es de una belleza espectacular, que los virus son el origen de la vida, que sin ellos no existiríamos y que forman parte mayoritaria y esencial de los genomas de todos los seres vivos. Convertirlos en enemigos es un atentado contra la vida en sí misma y un negocio redondo para algunos. Para luchar contra esta inmensa cantidad de desinformación, hemos creado esta plataforma. ¡Os esperamos!

Angela's Dharma


Welcome! Out of options, Angela's Dharma spent 15 months living in her car from 2020 through Christmas day 2021. With God's hand, she was able to claw her way back stronger and better than ever. Along the way, she worked tirelessly on healing, personal growth, and reinventing herself. Determined to turn this dark time into something positive, she vowed to support people in their healing journey and in homeless communities using her ability to relate to them through her experience. A portion of the proceeds from Angela’s Dharma's store (link below) will go directly to her work in the homeless community and those in need. She has written two eBooks based on her personal experience using food as a coping mechanism and, the second, the damage that narcissistic abuse creates in the target's life (links are below). Angela has had a natural ability for creating relaxing, soothing, and inviting environments. She has been recreating this same environment in videos since 2020. Being a creative free spirit, it made sense to merge these two passions together. She created a Facebook page (link below) and this Rumble channel with the intent of providing a relaxing and supportive place where people can feel safe coming too. Settle in with relaxing ambiance, breathe deeply, and enjoy! You matter. You are worthy. You are lovable. If you'd like to support this channel: CashApp - $AngelasDharma 🇫 Follow Me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61569801735662 🏪My Storefront: https://angelasdharma.gumroad.com/ My eBooks: 📚Conquer Emotional Eating https://angelasdharma.gumroad.com/l/nczdg 📚Overpower Narcissistic Abuse https://angelasdharma.gumroad.com/l/egsgcn