Anima Mea - Relaxing Music


Welcome to Anima Mea - Relaxing Music, where music meets the soul. Anima Mea is the Latin word for “Soul” because we believe that music can penetrate the heart and seep into the soul. With our meditative melodies, we will make you feel soothed while releasing the stress of the day and improving your sleep. And when your mind is at peace, your productivity will be highly affected and your focus will be increased. Sit back, close your eyes and Train your mind for a happier and healthier life!



ON A MISSION ... To change your point of view, your perspective. On beauty, on fashion, on decision making. On values. To place the external image and harmonize it with our internal one. To start in the right place. We want to make smarter choices and not just “obey” trends that are not ours. To find ourselves. We want to put ourselves first, to love ourselves in the true sense of the word, and thus choose services and things that are for our highest good. To give priority to stories created with love, that are telling and that carry a message. Stories that enrich us on the inside. And then the outside follows. It is no secret that we are sisters and that family means a lot to us. Now, however, we have created space for our extended family. For you. All different and unique but under the same tent. Together.

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The Brave Wilderness Channel is your one stop connection to a wild world of adventure and amazing up close animal encounters! Follow along with Coyote Peterson, Mark Vins and Mario Aldecoa as they lead you on a variety of expeditions featuring everything from Grizzly Bears and Crocodiles to Rattlesnakes and Tiger Sharks! Every single episode offers an opportunity to learn something new. So SUBSCRIBE NOW and join the adventure that brings you closer to the most beloved, bizarre and misunderstood creatures on earth! GET READY...things are about to get WILD!

Anima World

1 Follower

Hi, I'm Ohara and welcome to my channel. Here we break down your favorite Anime and Manga to find out what makes them tick. If you are into One Piece, Hunter x Hunter, JuJutsu Kaisen or Shounen in general, this is the place for you. If you want to learn more about storytelling, world building, character design or simply want to enjoy your favorite characters a little bit more, you came to the right place. If this sounds like something that you're interested in and you're looking for a wonderful community to share your thoughts and ideas with, make sure to follow 🦊

Porto dell'Anima


Benvenuti al "Porto dell'Anima"! Sono un consulente psicologico laureato in psicologia e mi impegno ad aiutare tutti a raggiungere la salute completa del corpo, della mente e dell'anima attraverso la conoscenza psicologica. Qui esploreremo argomenti che vanno dalla salute mentale, alla gestione dello stress e alla regolazione delle emozioni fino alla saggezza della vita. Sia che tu voglia migliorare il tuo stato mentale o perseguire uno stile di vita più sano, "Porto dell'Anima" diventerà il tuo rifugio sicuro e fonte di ispirazione. Attraverso la ricerca psicologica scientifica e l'analisi di casi reali, ti fornirò consigli pratici e metodi per aiutarti a trovare la pace interiore e l'armonia nella tua vita frenetica. Iscriviti a noi e inizia il tuo viaggio di salute spirituale, lasciaci crescere e guarire insieme e dare il benvenuto a un domani migliore!