Guns, Gear, and Second Amendment News (Uncensored) Verified


Advocating for the Second Amendment freedoms of Americans is our number one thing. - Interviews with firearms rights advocates. - Updates on the fight to safeguard the Second Amendment. - Gun and gear reviews About comments: Comments are welcome. That said, I believe in being respectful of others, so "trolling" comments; comments that contain profanity, sexually explicit material or personal attacks; and off-topic comments that have nothing to do with firearms or firearms related subjects will be deleted. Visit my blog for articles on guns and gun related stuff at All content on this channel is under Copyright © 2024 by KBTN Inc. All rights reserved #904301

Four Boxes Diner Second Amendment


The Four Boxes Diner serves up hot, fresh Second Amendment news and analysis. You’ll get the inside scoop from constitutional attorney Mark W. Smith, a member of the United States Supreme Court Bar, a professor, a frequent Fox News guest, and a New York Times bestselling author. Mark's books include The Official Handbook of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, First They Came for the Gun Owners, and Duped: How the Anti-gun Lobby Exploits the Parkland School Shooting, and How Gun Owners Can Fight Back. To defend your liberty, you need to understand the “four boxes” of American liberty: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the ammunition box. We give you the information you need, and we hope to serve as your source for Bill of Rights news and analysis. Use of this channel and the viewing of its videos are subject to the Disclaimers set forth in the videos and on

Remembering I AM and The Ascended Masters


Remembering I AM is a journey, no small stroll, it is a journal of remembrance - remembering who, what, and how I AM. It is also a channel where I will upload videos that honour those that have held the light for most of their lives. There will be teachings by Masters and the Ascended Masters. As I AM ever expanding and changing, this channel will be changing and ever expanding, detailing the progress of my journey as I AM directed by I AM and the Ascended Masters. Please subscribe to share in this sojourn and experience the jewelled path as it unfolds before us……..ascension is happening!

Gun guides for beginners and experts! Judge free zone, 2nd Amendment proud!


Welcome to Jeff of All Trades! This channel is for beginner gun owners who need a little bit of help taking their gun apart, cleaning it, and oil points! There will also be product reviews to help steer you in the right direction. I was in the military for 8 years and since then guns have become my passion! This is a "Family Friendly" gun channel, and no judgement zone! It can be embarrassing for some to ask how to do a task such as taking a rifle or pistol apart, so ask me! No judgement and all in good spirits! Any guns you want me to show or products to review, let me know! Disclaimer - All guns being handled inside are cleared and empty of all ammo before filming. The inside recordings with the guns are in a controlled environment and always handled by a professional. Any shooting shown in this channel is done at a NRA approved shooting range.

The Real Ascended Masters Teachings


Spiritualism Australia Limited, is a not-for-Profit Public Charity dedicated to educating mankind about the reality of the survival of mind and consciousness beyond the death of the brain. We provide the ancient Teachings of Higher Spiritualism which came from the Elders of our Race, the Immortals through the most scientifically tested proven and documented physical phenomena Medium of all time; Rev. Keith Milton Rhinehart (1936 -1999). Join our Spiritual Family in the Teaching Halls of higher Spiritualism.