Human Rights Advocates Australia


Human Rights Advocates Australia are an advocacy service who are passionate about advocating on behalf of Australians, who have had their human rights impinged upon. We wish we could say we are living in a country where anyone with a disability or protected attribute was not discriminated against ever...but unfortunately it's just not the case. Instead of getting better as time goes on, it seems to be getting worse. As you know, the pandemic has highlighted the importance of the preservation of our human rights more than ever before in Australia's history. Human Rights Advocates are an advocacy service, who are committed to helping your side be heard when dealing with organisations who have infringed upon your human rights. Slowly but surely, we see more and more of our human rights being taken away. It's so insidious, a lot of people don't even realise it's happening. Our team cares deeply about human rights and have a vested interest in fighting for those who feel as though they need help in standing up to organisations discriminating against them. We are with you in this fight! Divided we are weak. Together we are strong. � HRA Team Join us on Telegram: & subscribe to our mailing list to make sure you never miss any of our news in case our Facebook page is suddenly closed down.

AlfaCast Connect


O AlfaCast Connect é um podcast semanal que traz curiosidades e muitas informações sobre o mundo dos negócios nos mais diferentes nichos, apresentado por Daniel DeLucca sempre numa pegada divertida e bem descontraída. Sempre trazendo muitas informações, o AlfaCast Connect se apresenta um programa que fala de negócios, porém, bem eclético dando a todos de todos os nichos. O programa AlfaCast Connect pertence a Doisde Soluções Digitais. ----------------------------------------- Doisde Soluções Digitais 43.001.985/0001- 82 Nova Iguaçu/RJ



Was THAT attempted murder? As a targeted senior I was refused admission in the North Bay Hospital emergency twice. The only I was able to get admitted was our police Service escorting me and staying with me until a doctor attended. The police had to break my front door down as opposed to calling an undertaker which I appreciated. I was hospitalized over two months and was haemorrhaging in the stomach and the bladder, and the kidney and I had lost 86 pounds in a short window. It is scandleess that the nurse who refused me admission is still working at the North Bay Hospital (NBRHC). That's how cocky the system has become.You will View much more shocking eye openers in the other movies So I became an advocate for abused targeted senior citizens. THIS HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS A HEART BREAKING TRUE STORY. It has brought tears to some adult men Viewers.. For five years I have personally been crucified by a whole Army of tax paid HEALTH CARE BULLIES who execute the wishes and expectations of the punitive Ontario PC government. You are going to VIEW the truth exposed in this and several other upcoming EYE OPENER MOVIES. Like me you may wonder if some of these so-called care coordinators are masochist oriented? CarePartners, who is an employer of caregivers and nurses is solely owned by a non-Canadian investor living in China. Do you think he cares about Canadian senior citizens? In just 16 days 32 HEALTHY doctors all under 50 yers old suddenly dropped dead. All had taken the "JAB". (Forced on them by government) or be terminated.) Should they have just quit work IN CANADA? AGAIN I AM HUMBLY BEGGING PREMIER DOUG FORD TO #1 LAUNCH AN UNBIASED INVESTIGATION OF THE SICK HEALTH bored SYSTEM IN NORTH BAY and 2 EXPLAIN WHY EVERY CARE COORDINATOR IS ARMED WITH UNLIMITED POWER AND ACCOUNTABLE TO NOBODY?

ToGETher Freedom. An Anti-Trafficking & Survivor Advocate Nonprofit


Rejuvenating Women is a nonprofit organization committed to providing hope and restoration to individuals who have been trafficked and sexually exploited in Nebraska and throughout the country. We empower survivors of human trafficking to lead healthy and independent lives. Rejuvenating Women assists in the prevention of future human trafficking by providing a trauma-informed short and long-term term housing recovery program while helping to restore their physical, emotional, and spiritual health.