Il Profeta Dei Complottisti


Questo canale è unicamente creato a scopo didattico, tutti i video e i loro contenuti sono di proprietà dei loro rispettivi autori. In nessun caso ci riteniamo responsabili dei contenuti e i consigli indicati nei video qui caricati, altresì non garantiamo la loro veridicità. Il canale tratta diversi temi tra i quali satira, divertenti e parodie. Mi trovate su Instagram: **** Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel.



Pilot Patriot gives you a new place for Guns, Gear, Reviews, and Preparedness from the perspective of the average person. We try to bring you the budget minded product reviews, and advice that you are looking for along with some entertaining shooting and instructional videos. You can expect to see reviews on the Guns and Gear that you are interested in, along with some "How To" and Instructional videos on how to be prepared for almost anything. So, come join our community of Patriots, Gun Lovers, and Preppers and help us to bring you quality videos.



It is KALO-TV’s desire to provide the most instructive, educational and inspirational experience possible in the learning of God’s word, the Bible. It is through programming, outreach and community interaction that KALO seeks to show the love of God in a very practical way. The KALO mission is to assist and to benefit the Hawaiian Islands by faithfully presenting the gracious and powerful Gospel of Jesus Christ and to answer and comfort the spiritual soul of the Islands.