ChaCha & Zee Explore


👋 Welcome to our Travel Channel for KIDS!!! We’re twin penguins 🐧🐧 & our motto is “Explore Hard, Learn Tons, Be Kind, and Have Fun!” Join the adventure now as ChaCha & Zee Explore!!! PARENTS Thank you for trusting us with your child’s attention. That’s a big responsibility, so we want to reassure you about our content. First, we are a husband and wife team with two grown children (boy and girl twins) who help with the content. We all LOVE to travel and we’ve done lots of it! We also have over 15 years of educational experience, mostly teaching in elementary classrooms. Our videos are focused on grades K-3, and the mission is simple—use entertainment to playfully cultivate a desire in children and families to travel and explore the real world. Since you’re now our traveling buddies, we’ll share a little secret…we hope kids will learn about the wonderful world with which we’ve been blessed. Shh! Don’t tell them that!! Let’s just make a game out of “eating the vegetables.” 😉

Merkaba Chakras


Hi, my name is Von Galt. I’m an author, a hypnosis practitioner, and a working mom in the IT industry. I spent my entire life following the ascension/awakening of Earth into the 5th dimension, the incoming galactic Golden Age of Humanity among the multiverse, and the interstellar commerce with civilizations of the cosmos. My knowledge about how the 5th dimension is not a physical place to go to, but is an existence that manifests within your consciousness comes from my upbringing as a Buddhist, Laos-Hmong ancestral folklores & 20 years studying Buddhist academic research. My Buddhist studies in how consciousness changes reality help me in the 2012 shift into the 5D Cycle of Unity Consciousness. My Buddhist focus areas are Wheel of Dharma, Great Library (Akashic Records), Nirvana, Samsara, Multidimensional Multiverse Merkaba (Mandela Effects/parallel realities), Buddhist mandalas (sacred geometry), Tulku (Starseed souls), & Buddhist-Lemurian folklores. Enjoy!\\r\\n\\r\\nTo learn more about Von Galt\\\'s metaphysical work: