Elizabeth April


Enjoy over 1,000 ad and censorship-free videos on EA's Cosmic Society membership! Clairvoyant, truth seeker, intuitive psychic, and best-selling author ELIZABETH APRIL (also known as EA), is here on a mission to help humanity awaken. EA has been featured on Vice, Bustle, Discovery, and Gaia TV to name a few, and has spoken at world-renown conferences across North America. Most recently, EA was a featured expert on Unidentified with Demi Lovato (NBC’s Peacock TV). Elizabeth April is on a mission to help shift the world, the only question remaining is, are you ready to join her on this journey? ⚠️Beware of Scammers!⚠️ There are many fake Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Telegram and Facebook accounts. Please use your discernment. I will never message you first if you directly follow me. I will never offer a reading or a channeled message. Check out https://elizabethapril.com

ElizabethWallace, former deepstate monarch / secret army / MKultra


I am Survivor deep state Monarch enslavement / MK -Ultra/ military. *my created front life name was Monique: after my healing went back to my true original name Elizabeth / Liz. Dedicated to transforming shadows into the light, truth, love, world peace, uncovering the shadow world. I make mandalas to heal and transform. For a righteous, harmonious, free humanity's future & for the earth. all my social media: https://bio.link/elizabethwallace

Shear-Jashub Christian Tabernacle


Shear-Jashub Christian Tabernacle is a non-denominational Christian church that has met in Madison, CT since 1984. The name of the church comes from the book of Isaiah chapter 7 and verse 3 and means in Hebrew, "A Remnant Shall Return." Shear-Jashub Christian Tabernacle is a true Bible church, upholding the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture. The church believes in the born again relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and the reality of the gifts of the Holy Spirit for today. While the church is not a Messianic congregation, there is a strong emphasis on the Jewish roots of our faith, and the church seeks to be the home for both believing Jews and Gentiles. The Shear-Jashub radio broadcast has aired since 1997. And on our church website at www.shear-jashub.org you will find a full library of these Bible study programs that are sure to help you in your walk with the Lord. On the website you will find information about our church and Pastor Greg Scalzo, including a link to details about his award winning book, The Nature and Power of Prayer. You will also be able to access our Articles of Faith, contact information, scholarly articles on topics pertinent to today\\\'s Christian life, and a blog feature with thoughts and insights. We hope you will visit us.

Tabernacle of David SON


TO LORD JESUS; " I Exalt Thee" TO that SUBSCRIBE! My Audience of One, The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. Phil Driscoll inspired me, at a LIVE performance, in 1988, so here I am finally, a solid Christian, after too many years in the worldly wilderness. Like Israel, a weary, 40 year journey. Born again in 1976. I am a Christian creator for my CREATOR. Videos for the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus, for Spiritual excellence in songs of Praise. David's Tabernacle was a TENT OF PRAISE, with GOD'S PRESENCE. Music was for HIM. "In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old:...." AMOS 9:11 "May everything that has breath, praise the LORD." This Tabernacle; a shadow of God's vision, is an ONLINE TENT of Praise. Where two or more are gathered in HIS Name, "I will be there..." When He is present, everyone knows it.