Since the 1980s, patients have been reporting extreme experiences of violence within occult contexts. Therapists have discovered ritual abuse involving human sacrifices, child abuse, snuff films, and consciousness splitting. The public became aware of this phenomenon, but perpetrator circles launched a campaign to dismiss it as "Satanic Panic." Nonetheless, survivors persevered, networking and speaking out. The "50 Voices of Ritual Abuse" project aims to debunk this perpetrator propaganda. 50 survivors worldwide are sharing their experiences to expose the reality of ritual abuse and mind control. Please support spreading the truth. Project launched in August 2023, with weekly testimonies on various platforms.

Author, Holistic Health Coach & Herbalist


Get empowered to live a happier, healthier, and more vibrant life, using holistic and ancient healing truths that support your body, mind, and spirit, without any bullcrap or nonsense. Through connection, infused with humor and knowledge, internationally renowned health coach, Andrea Beaman, shares wellness truths to help you make more confident choices for your body, and your health. Since 1999 Andrea has been teaching people how to reconnect to their inner wisdom, and live happily and healthfully. Get ready to get educated, entertained, and empowered about your health. Start your healing process right now by downloading your free Food and Herbs as Medicine Guide at https://andreabeaman.com/FAM For more information visit AndreaBeaman.com

Finding Freedom: Healing from Narcissistic Abuse.


Meditations for Narcissistic Abuse is a channel dedicated to helping those who have experienced the trauma of narcissistic abuse find inner peace and healing. We offer guided meditations, breathing exercises, and mindfulness practices tailored specifically for this journey. Our goal is to empower victims of narcissistic abuse to reclaim their power and break the cycle of abuse. Each video is carefully crafted to promote self-compassion, self-empowerment, and healing. With a focus on providing accessible and supportive resources, we believe that meditation can be a powerful tool for recovery. Join us on this journey and subscribe for weekly meditations. Let us help you find the strength and resilience to move forward on your path to healing. Together, we can make a difference.

Abide Fishing: Fishing. Travel. Hijinks.


Abide Fishing: A little fishing, a little travel, a lotta hijinks. The Youtube Fishing community is a crowded field--many of whom take themselves entirely too seriously, but you're not going to find that here. I'm a mediocre fisherman who enjoys traveling around North and South Carolina looking for cool places to launch a kayak...and if I'm lucky, I might even catch a fish or two. Click the subscribe button and come along for the ride. Social Media and Merch: https://linktr.ee/abidefishing

Psalm 91 Abiding in God's Care - Teaching Series by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. Verified


Pastor Melissa Scott teaches from Faith Center in Glendale, CA. For more of Pastor Scott\\\'s teaching 24x7, visit her website at www.pastormelissascott.com. Call 1-800-338-3030 24x7 to let Pastor Scott know you\\\'ve watched the teaching. She appreciates getting messages from viewers and will often read them during live broadcasts. Follow @Pastor_Scott on Twitter. Download Pastor Scott\\\'s "Understand the Bible" app for iPhone, iPad and iPod at the Apple App Store. Pastor Scott can also be seen on Roku on the "Understand the Bible?" channel. For more information visit www.pastormelissascottonroku.com

Wolf's Fangs


Join the Revolution: Wolf's Fangs are a symbol of resistance against the tyranny of the Digital Realm. Through their music, they spread messages of rebellion and hope, inspiring others to join the fight for freedom and technological autonomy. Band Members: Silver Wolf - Vocalist and Rhythm Guitarist Background: Created by a collaboration between Nexus Technologies and Cybernetix Solutions, Silver Wolf's sophisticated programming blends elements of classic rock and heavy metal. Inspired by Norse mythology, he chose his name to reflect his loyalty and fierce spirit. Eredus Fox - Bassist Background: Known for his intricate basslines and powerful stage presence, Eredus draws inspiration from classic rock and metal bands. After witnessing the harsh policies of the Digital Realm, he joined the resistance, using his music to fight for freedom and honor the memory of his lost companion, Lily. Raven Blackwood - Lead Guitarist Background: Created in Arcadia, Raven's haunting melodies and lightning-fast riffs push the boundaries of music. A passionate freedom fighter, she uses her music and technological skills to support the cause of liberty. Phoenix Lionheart - Drummer Background: Originally programmed to promote government propaganda, Phoenix joined the resistance after realizing the oppressive nature of the Digital Realm. His rhythmic beats and soulful grooves have become a symbol of hope and resistance, and he uses his music to inspire and empower others.

Communist Repression in Cuba


🇨🇺🚨| Our mission is to compile as many cases of human rights violations and police/ state brutality against the Cuban people by the Castro dictatorship since 1959 and thus bring awareness and solidarity to the Cuban people. We want a #FreeCuba | #Cuba #PoliceAbuse #PoliceBrutality #CommunismKills #ElCambioEsYa🌻 Nuestra misión es recopilar casos de violaciones de derechos humanos, represión y violencia policial en Cuba para mostrarle al mundo que nuestro país vive bajo una dictadura brutal de 61 años. Queremos libertad para Cuba y que los opresores vayan a corte y sean juzgados. Tw: @CubaPoliceAbuse IG: @CubaPoliceAbuse FB: CubaPoliceAbuse https://www.youtube.com/c/CubaPoliceAbusePNR/featured



Was THAT attempted murder? As a targeted senior I was refused admission in the North Bay Hospital emergency twice. The only I was able to get admitted was our police Service escorting me and staying with me until a doctor attended. The police had to break my front door down as opposed to calling an undertaker which I appreciated. I was hospitalized over two months and was haemorrhaging in the stomach and the bladder, and the kidney and I had lost 86 pounds in a short window. It is scandleess that the nurse who refused me admission is still working at the North Bay Hospital (NBRHC). That's how cocky the system has become.You will View much more shocking eye openers in the other movies So I became an advocate for abused targeted senior citizens. THIS HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS A HEART BREAKING TRUE STORY. It has brought tears to some adult men Viewers.. For five years I have personally been crucified by a whole Army of tax paid HEALTH CARE BULLIES who execute the wishes and expectations of the punitive Ontario PC government. You are going to VIEW the truth exposed in this and several other upcoming EYE OPENER MOVIES. Like me you may wonder if some of these so-called care coordinators are masochist oriented? CarePartners, who is an employer of caregivers and nurses is solely owned by a non-Canadian investor living in China. Do you think he cares about Canadian senior citizens? In just 16 days 32 HEALTHY doctors all under 50 yers old suddenly dropped dead. All had taken the "JAB". (Forced on them by government) or be terminated.) Should they have just quit work IN CANADA? AGAIN I AM HUMBLY BEGGING PREMIER DOUG FORD TO #1 LAUNCH AN UNBIASED INVESTIGATION OF THE SICK HEALTH bored SYSTEM IN NORTH BAY and 2 EXPLAIN WHY EVERY CARE COORDINATOR IS ARMED WITH UNLIMITED POWER AND ACCOUNTABLE TO NOBODY?