Your Thought Life


The goal of this channel is to teach people how to fast-track success by discovering, reconciling and changing YOUR THOUGHT LIFE. Through top-notch coaching mixed with techniques backed by science, you will alter your mindset, your focus and ultimately, your results. Over the past 20+ years, I have formulated a set of practices to radically reduce the time it takes to achieve measurable results. As an accomplished corporate executive, entrepreneur, adjunct professor, podcaster, public speaker and life coach, I desire to share my expertise with as many people as possible. I want everyone to experience harmony, peace and abundance which lead to rapid success. The road to success starts with YOUR THOUGHT LIFE. The podcast and videos will aid you in changing your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors. If you want to fast track success, please consider subscribing to this channel.

Sharing thoughts, mistakes + experiences; so, YOU CREATE YOUR WORLD!


Just a random guy who shares his thoughts, emotions, and learnings. Hopefully my mistakes; and, the knowledge obtained from them, will help you create a happy and pentiful life. YOU CREATE YOUR WORLD! #UnleashingThePowerOfGiving Please, if you like the content you see, and find it valuable, please donate via Revolut, and help me reach my goal of building a completely self-sustainable community - by 2022 - where anyone can enjoy Spiritual, Mental, and Physical well-being free of cost. A community where teachings, traditions, and techniques from our ancient cultures are merged, allowing YOU to discover the best version of yourself. YOU have all the power in the Universe: Download the #1 Banking app. Zero Fees, instant International transfers, Debit, Credit, and Virtual Cards, Cryptocurrency and much more. Negativity is destructive. Positivity Creates! Your thoughts, feelings, and words are powerful!