Art Instruction


These educational lessons are considered ʻProject Based Learningʻ because of their integration with arts and academics. These lessons are suited for primary-age students all the way up to adults. \r\n\r\nAs an Art Educator, it is my passion and goal to create videos that are engaging, educational, cover the common core standards, all while having fun, because this is the way \'learning\' should be for any age!\r\n\r\nENJOY and please help donate to our Go Fund Me campaign for Kihei Elementary so more videos can be made.\r\n

Down To Earth with Kristian Harloff


Welcome to "Down To Earth with Kristian Harloff," the channel that delves into the enigmatic realm of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) with a down-to-earth perspective. Host Kristian Harloff takes you on a journey through the latest news, developments, and mysteries surrounding the UAP phenomenon, all while approaching the subject from an average Joe's point of view. Kristian asks the questions that many dare to ponder: What exactly is happening up there? What efforts are underway to unravel the truth behind these unidentified aerial phenomena? With a curious and inquisitive spirit, Kristian invites listeners to join him on a quest for understanding and disclosure. Whether you're a seasoned researcher, a skeptic, or simply someone intrigued by the mysteries above, "Down To Earth" promises engaging discussions, insightful analysis, and a journey that brings us closer to comprehending the inexplicable. Tune in as we navigate the skies together!



«Loominguline ühiskond» on kogu inimkonna projekt, mis pakub võimaluse viia meie tsivilisatsioon võimalikult kiiresti ja rahumeelselt uuele evolutsioonilisele arenguetapile. Selle projekti peamine eesmärk on: EHITADA ÜLEMAAILMSELT LOOMINGULINE ÜHISKOND, kus inimelu on kõrgeima väärtusega. PROJEKTI ÜLESANDED: -Luua tingimused loomingulise ühiskonna rahumeelseks ülesehitamiseks kogu planeedil. -Saada teada inimeste arvamust kogu maailmas, kas nad tahavad elada loomingulise ühiskonna formaadis ja kuidas nad seda näevad. -Pakkuda platvormi loomingulise ühiskonna kontseptsiooni ja mudeli universaalseks rahvusvaheliseks avatud aruteluks kõigis inimelu valdkondades. -Leida uusi viise kogu inimkonna ühendamiseks ja tingimuste loomiseks iga inimese aktiivseks osalemiseks ühiskonnaelus sõltumata sotsiaalsest staatusest, usust, rahvusest.



Questo canale contiene la mia personale ricerca teologica negli anni dal 2005 al 2021, si tratta di opinioni personali e non di una teologia sistematica. Gloria al Padre, al Figlio e allo Spirito Santo, com\'era nel principio, ed ora e sempre, nei secoli dei secoli, AMEN. Dopo una vita di lavoro, stufo della tirannide mondialista e neoliberista che impedisce ormai anche di respirare e disgustato dall\'apostasia in atto nella chiesa cattolica romana, mi schiero SEMPRE e COMUNQUE con la rivoluzione CRISTIANA del vero Cattolicesimo. Per i miei figli e per chi verrà dopo di noi. Grazie di cuore a Fabio di MaryTube per l\'ispirazione che mi ha suscitato. Pregate per me, fratelli e sorelle, e Dio vi benedica e vi protegga sempre! Come disse Martin Luther King Jr: "Potrai anche non essere responsabile della tua situazione ma lo diventerai se non farai nulla per cambiarla".