Al Jazeera English


#I STAND WITH ALJAZEERA or #istandwithaljazeera #AlJazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless.' Reaching more than 282 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust #AlJazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained. Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of #journalism that the world has come to rely on. We are reshaping global media and constantly working to strengthen our reputation as one of the world's most respected #news and #CurrentAffairs channels. In this channal don't affilated By Al Jazeera English News Channel We Created This Channel for Spread the News from original Al Jazeera English YT Channel , Because We Impress Work of Perfection. If Any Issues In This Channel or Video Please Contact Donate :- 0xe3c34b9286763df5b38b45a72947fbacfa74e519 Please Follow The Original Creator/News Channel Below

Music Library


Music Library Music to relax, study, meditate, sleep, work, read, concentration, memory, calm the mind ... Classical music, instrumental, violin, piano, guitar All the best classical music ever on Music Library YouTube Channel: The Best Classical Music Playlist Mix, The Best Classical Music for Studying, Classical Music for Reading, Classical Music for Concentration, Classical Music for Sleeping and Relaxation, Instrumental Music, Background Music, Opera Music, Piano, Violin & Orchestral Masterpieces by the greatest composers of all time. The very best of Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, Schubert, Handel, Liszt, Haydn, Strauss, Verdi, Brahms, Wagner, Mahler, Rossini, Ravel, Grieg, Dvorák … #creativecommons

Al Jazeera Arabic


#الجزيرة العربية، نركز على الأشخاص والأحداث التي تؤثر على حياة الناس. نحن نسلط الضوء على الموضوعات التي غالبًا ما لا يتم تناولها بشكل كافٍ، ونستمع إلى جميع جوانب القصة ونعطي "صوتًا لمن لا صوت لهم". من خلال الوصول إلى أكثر من 282 مليون أسرة في أكثر من 140 دولة حول العالم، يثق مشاهدونا في قناة #الجزيرة العربية لإبقائهم على اطلاع وإلهام وترفيه. إن تقاريرنا المحايدة والمبنية على الحقائق تحظى بالثناء والاحترام في جميع أنحاء العالم. إنها علامتنا التجارية الفريدة للصحافة التي أصبح العالم يعتمد عليها. نحن نعيد تشكيل وسائل الإعلام العالمية ونعمل باستمرار على تعزيز سمعتنا كواحدة من قنوات #الأخبار و #الشؤون_الحديثة الأكثر احترامًا في العالم. في هذه القناة غير تابعة لقناة الجزيرة الإخبارية العربية. لقد أنشأنا هذه القناة لنشر الأخبار من قناة الجزيرة العربية الأصلية على YT، لأننا نبهر العمل المتقن. إذا كانت هناك أي مشاكل في هذه القناة أو الفيديو. -: يرجى الاتصالـ 0xe3c34b9286763df5b38b45a72947fbacfa74e519 -:التبرع يرجى متابعة قناة المنشئ/الأخبار الأصلية أدناه

Hell Sea Music


Hello and welcome to my channel see'um'sayn. Get ready for groovy, goofy and greasy tunes infused with parody, satire, and a whole lot (some...k not all that much) effort. I love making songs dedicated to people who like being talked about, tackling pop culture with the tongue-in-cheek flair of a silverback gorilla with a sledgehammer. Whether it’s a laugh-out-loud parody or a quick point and laugh at a yag, my goal is to keep you entertained and smiling! So don't be a Jimmy! Hit that subscribe button and join me in this greasy and wild musical adventure. Let’s make some noise and have a blast together see'um'sayn!!!

KingCobra Music Archive


Welcome to the KingCobraJFS Music Archive, a dedicated space preserving the experimental and avant-garde noise music of King Cobra. Explore his unique sonic creations, spanning years of unfiltered passion and raw energy. From early soundscapes to evolving expressions, this archive captures the essence of King Cobra's musical journey. Subscribe to stay connected with every twist, distortion, and chaotic melody from his ever-growing legacy. Support the channel and buy a shirt, trole. TeePublic: Etsy: Come join to keep up to date on King Cobra content and news! Main Channel:

RÁ Music


PORT: Olá, seja bem vindo ao canal "RÁ Music", onde o RÁ vem do meu nome, Rapha, que é um dos meus apelidos, e "music" porquê é um canal de músicas e remixes que postarei aqui. Aqui vocês vão encontrar músicas originais que eu faço, versões minhas/côveres de músicas conhecidas e remixes com um toque de classicismo. Uso 3 programas pra esse canal: Anvil Studio, Audio Compositor e Sony Vegas 11. ENGL: Hello, welcome to my channel "RÁ Music" where "RÁ" comes from my name, Rapha, that's one of my nicknames, and "music" 'cause it's a channel of music, songs and remixes i'll post here. Here you all will find original music that I make, covers of known songs and remixes with a touch of classicism. I use 3 programas to this channel: Anvil Studio, Audio Compositor and Sony Vegas 11.