Tales from the Grim Dark... SUBSCRIBE! JOIN THE DISCORD! https://discord.gg/R4rhBrfzam HIRE ME FOR YOUR VOICE WORK! https://www.fiverr.com/share/3ZwNKk Welcome. My name is Paul / A Vox in the Void. I am a voice actor who focuses on creating audio narrations of horror and Science Fiction. My focus thus far has been mainly on Short stories and fan fiction from the Warhammer and H.P Lovecraft Universe, and I have been fortunate to work alongside some fantastic creators in both of these properties. I am always looking for a team of dedicated writers and fan fiction creators to expand the catalog. Please get in touch. Subscribe if you like what you hear and please share my channel if you can, it would be greatly appreciated! If you feel like supporting my work please follow the link below, it is all very much appreciated https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AVOXINTHEVOID

Kris "Tanto" Paronto


Kris Paronto - “Tanto” as he is affectionately known in security contracting circles - is a former Army Ranger from 2nd Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment and a private security contractor who has deployed throughout South America, Central America, the Middle East and North Africa. He also worked with the US Government’s Global Response Staff conducting low profile security in high threat environments throughout the world. Kris was part of the CIA annex security team that responded to the terrorist attack on the US Special Mission in Benghazi, Libya on September 11th, 2012, helping to save over 20 lives while fighting off terrorists from the CIA Annex for over 13 hours. Kris and his fellow brothers-in-arms story is told in the book 13 Hours written by Mitchell Zuckoff.