Tigray Public Media - ሚድያ ህዝቢ ትግራይ


TPM aims to play a valuable role in educating citizens through an in-depth public interest reporting, including investigative journalism, news reports, explanatory journalism, solutions journalism, and specialty journalism, in order to elevate important social topics. TPM ማሕበረሰብ ንምንቃሕ ዓሊማ ዝተጣየሸት ናጻ ሚድያ ህዝቢ ትግራይ እያ። TPM ብዜና፣ ዶክመንታሪ ፣ ዘተ፣ መርመርትን ነቐፍትን መደባት ከምኡ እውን ተሃድሶ ንመፍትሒ ተጽዕኖ ብዘምጽእ ብርኪ ብሓቂን ንጹርን ሓበሬታ ተቕርበልኩም ናጻ ሚድያ እያ፤፤ TPM ኣፍደገ ዘመናዊት ትግራይ!

Tigran Tarbiyan


Welcome to the Tarbiyan Show podcast, your guide to personal growth and fulfillment. Join us as we delve into the realms of mental and physical fitness, habits and personal development, parenting, relationships, communication and leadership, wealth and entrepreneurship, and more.🌱 Through practical tips, expert insights, real-life examples, and inspiring stories, we are dedicated to equipping you with the tools and strategies necessary to transform your mindset, unlock your potential, and achieve your goals all while creating delightful moments and experiences and cultivating a fulfilling life.✨ Thank you so much for your support and for joining us on this incredible journey. Your commitment and engagement with our podcast episodes truly mean the world to us. Let's embrace the power of personal growth and #BeMagnus together!🧠 With best regards, Tigran Tarbiyan - Disclaimer: All my podcasts/videos are for educational and entertainment purposes only.