Honesty Doesn't Pay


Using Dick Yardley's Research with Official Australian Government Documents, Legislation and Extracts which shows the Treason that has and is being committed. Here You will find how these Purported Australian Politicians have changed Legislation Unlawfully and Illegally against the Supreme Law of the Land. Our Primary Law, Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted under the Royal Coat of Arms. Truth and Facts go a long way! Please try and prove this information incorrect! All Dick Yardley's Documents https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13qw_r1DNO8duZbZ6X6RqHb6LIgRzBMmo?usp=drive_link Our Merch Store, if You want to Help Us to continue what We do, grab some Merch to Help spread awareness of the Tresspasses against Us All. https://honestydoesntpay.com/ If You need to reach us for Any Clarification. souveran1974@protonmail.com The Truth is the New Crime! All Rights Reserved.

What Doesn't Suck? Adventure Travel Videos


Half French, half American, we are an expat couple who create adventure travel video and social travel content, especially our "48 Hour in..." adventure travel series whose episodes have been viewed over 15 million times. We specialize in Adventure Travel and love creating the most engaging, unique, and entertaining video travel guides possible. We've been to nearly 50 countries together and continue trying to find the most unique and spectacular off the beaten path destinations to highlight! We are currently based in the Netherlands. Want to work together on a video project or travel campaign? Shoot us a message to jeffjohns.photo@gmail.com