Unwritten Timeline


We hope you are able to enjoy our videos as we sail around the world on a 42\' Antares Catamaran. There will be good times, there will be bad times, and we hope that our videos and blog will help anyone wanting to start this type of lifestyle and also provide a little entertainment. I know we will be entertained. We will try to show all aspects of the cruising life from boat purchase, sandy beaches, touring far off lands, and even a few colder destinations. Come check us out at http://www.unwrittentimeline.com/

Brown - Fitness for the Unfit


Welcome to my channel. This channel serves as a sort of motivation for unfit people to tackle fitness. As I, myself would be classified as unfit or overweight. I show the "ugly side of fitness" the heavy breathing, stupid faces, the panting. This channel is like the Average Joe\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s (Dodgeball) of the YouTube fitness community. In the future I hope to add an element of travel into the mix but as the restrictions prevent me from doing so, that will have to wait. If you feel the need to fund my endeavour, the link to my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BrownFitness For business inquiries: info.donme@gmail.com