The Chosen Brasil


POR QUE UMA SÉRIE DE TV SOBRE JESUS? Isaías 43:19 diz: "Eis que estou fazendo uma coisa nova..." The Chosen (Os Escolhidos) é uma coisa nova. * Como foi financiado é novo: Somos o projeto de mídia com maior financiamento coletivo de todos os tempos - mais de US$ 10 milhões doados voluntariamente por mais de 19.000 pessoas. * O conteúdo é novo: Somos a primeira de TV multi-temporadas sobre a vida de Cristo. * A maneira de assistir é nova: somos a primeira série a ter o próprio aplicativo que se conecta diretamente aos seus dispositivos de streaming. Nenhuma assinatura necessária. Basta pesquisar "The Chosen" na sua loja de aplicativos, baixar no seu telefone e começar a assistir. * A forma como está chegando ao mundo é nova: o app está disponível em todos os países gratuitamente, mas ao colaborar, você ajuda a garantir o financiamento das próximas temporadas. Assim alcançaremos 1 bilhão de pessoas ao redor do mundo! Bem-vindo a uma coisa nova!

Seyoum Teshome


Seyoum Teshome is an Ethiopian geopolitical analyst and activist renowned for his prolific commentary on current, past, and future social, political, scientific, religious, economic, legal, historical, and cultural events and phenomena that affect Africa in general and East Africa in particular; especially, our beloved homeland, Ethiopia, and her twin, sovereign and independent sister-nation, Eritrea.. This channel is dedicated to provide an alternative platform for his valuable content where his Pro-Ethiopian, Pro-unity, Pan-African analysis and perspectives will find refuge from the unjustified and unrelenting harassment and censorship he now faces at the hands of globalist, cosmopolitan ruling class in the West who run Big-Tech platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Seyoum Teshome Fans Rumble channel encourages civil, respectful, positive discourses and discussions as it serves as a venue for peoples of Ethiopian and Eritrean origins to share their opinions, frustrations, concerns, expectations, life-experiences, aspirations, hopes, and dreams. This channel does not offer any professional advise, nor does it make claims of expertise in any general or particular area. Disclaimer: Seyoum Teshome Fans channel often refers to and uses materials and clips from various media, including, audio and videos of interviews, news, events, documents, discussions, printed materials, etc. of various contents from other sources, which may be copyrighted; such uses are for the sake of reference only, and in such materials, the credit goes to the copyright owner. This Rumble channel does not intend on infringing any entity’s intellectual property. Any discussions points, thoughts, views, assertions, perspectives, and opinions expressed by viewers and readers, be it in writing, graphically, vocally, or in any other way, do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this fan channel and/or its administrators; therefore Seyoum Teshome fans channel and/or its administrators are not responsible for contents that other individuals and entities may express, publish, post, voice, upload, distribute or transmit on Seyoum Tehome Fan’s Rumble channel and/or its website and comment section