The Simple Life with Gary Collins Podcast


We’re bombarded by too much stress, not enough time for personal fulfillment, and failing to take care of our health. There has to be a better way, and your host Gary Collins believes he’s figured it out by asking one question, “how can I make my life simpler?” Twice a week Navy veteran, former federal agent, and entrepreneur Gary Collins brings you fantastic guests (such as Rep. Thomas Massie, economist/actor Ben Stein, Sirius XM DJ Kristine Stone) covering topics such as financial freedom, building healthy habits, and finding your life’s purpose. If you’re ready to stop being a spectator in your own life and instead make real moves, this is the show you’ve been looking for.



Dear Viewers... This channel has been designed to let us understand that Life can enjoyable, it can be full of abundance, happiness and all the riches, if we take few Simple step to improve and to grow towards betterment. Years of research has been done by our team and specially our leader who is a renowned Spiritualist, Motivator, Public speaker and for always a Seeker. Hope you receive a lot of abundance from this Universe and make this Earth again a beautiful dwelling for all of Us. Happy Viewing !!

I apologize if my previous response was not what you were looking for. It seems you're asking for a title with the word "MORELIFE." If you're still looking for a simple title, then "MORELIFE" remains suitable.

1 Follower

"MoreLife" is a captivating journey into a world of boundless possibilities and vibrant experiences. This enchanting title encapsulates the essence of embracing every moment with zest and living life to the fullest. Through its pages, readers are invited to explore the intricate tapestry of human emotions, relationships, and aspirations. As the narrative unfolds, the characters navigate the complexities of existence, weaving their stories together in a symphony of laughter, tears, and profound introspection. "MoreLife" celebrates the resilience of the human spirit, urging us all to seize opportunities, forge connections, and carve our own paths in a world brimming with untapped potential. With eloquent prose and a rich tapestry of imagery, this title ignites a spark of inspiration, encouraging us to embrace each new day with renewed vigor and a determination to savor every facet of existence.

Make life simpler

1 Follower

Projektograf is a channel dedicated to guiding you on a journey towards a more simplified and fulfilling life. Our videos offer practical tips, inspiration, and insights on simplifying various aspects of life, including organization, minimalism, time management, and mindful living. Join us as we explore ways to declutter, reduce stress, and create space for what truly matters, allowing you to experience a life of greater ease, balance, and contentment. Simplify your life and unlock the freedom to focus on what truly brings you joy and fulfillment. Subscribe now and start your journey towards a simpler, more intentional life.