Legitimate Targets
5,584 FollowersSeeing through the smoke. Hosted by Jackson Hinkle
Seeing through the smoke. Hosted by Jackson Hinkle
We discuss firearms, gear, and training. In addition, we do product reviews. Please click "like" on any video you enjoy also subscribe if you like what you see! Also become a sustaining patron https://www.patreon.com/wishse?ty=h If you care about your rights to keep and bear arms contact your senator and congressman via phone or email tell them to follow the constitution!
Gun Stuff! Ballistic Gel Testing, Quick Firearm and Ammo Reviews, and Lots of Fun on My Private Steel Target Range! *All shooting is performed on a private, closed range on private property under controlled situations. Do not attempt any activities shown in the videos on this channel* **youtube.com/@ToolsandTargets** Affiliate Links: https://campsite.bio/toolsandtargets Email: toolsandtargets@yahoo.com *Mailing Address: Tools&Targets P.O. Box 1096 Collinsville, VA 24078 *Physical Address: Tools&Targets 3365 Virginia Ave. Box 1096 Collinsville, VA 24078
My Name is Quinn, I have gone from Jehovah's Witness to targeted individual. The purpose of this channel is to bring awareness of these topics and offer solutions and help for others dealing with these things. I would rather not put myself out here but I know it is the right thing to do. Based on the universal law of free will, I have the right to tell others how I am being attack and I have the right to use my knowledge to help others. For anyone that tries to harm me for doing so would be violating my free will and the universal law that God/ or Source as granted us. Other channels https://www.bitchute.com/channel/7zMPItbnDjJo/
What's up, guys! I'm A Ukrainian evangelist for Christ. Warrior for the Truth in a culture of lies. Missionary on the Mission of all missions: to see people come into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the God who created them, and to get them prepared for Eternity. If you feel led to support my mission as a Ukrainian evangelist to preach the Gospel and to reach all people groups for Jesus Christ, click the link below and choose to either become a Monthly supporter or contribute a One Time Donation. I appreciate your support greatly: https://kingdomenterprises.churchcenter.com/giving/to/slavic-missionary-budget
Sterry ks is an Indian Christian evangelist, the founder of Spiritual Gangster. He is an Ex-Satanist, Saved by Christ and now proclaiming the gospel to many lost souls. Sterry also authored several books to help people overcome the deep bondage and strongholds of Satan's kingdom through the power and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Read More... www.evangeliststerryks.org
Video documentation of the largest rally ever held by and for Targeted Individuals in Colorado Springs, CO
Connecting the dots as a Targeted Individual
TA Targets specializes in uniquely designed and fabricated AR550 steel targets and steel target systems that are currently being utilized by law enforcement, training professionals, military units, and citizens across this great nation. Our core mission is to equip and empower regular citizens to be better trained and better prepared to defend life. We make hard use targets that are purpose built to achieve this mission.
Tom Scarrella Ministries is a revival driven evangelistic ministry with a strong emphasis on healings and miracles. Apostolic in nature, TSM’s passion is to bring change, an equipping, and a setting ablaze of the local church with the fire of God and the tools of evangelism.
Pure Energy Targeted, organised gang stalking and mind control survivor from Sydney Australia. Australian group leader for Targeted Justice class action lawsuit. Donate Cryptocurrency BTC 35bmoVwXurZtiTvs2L9Fvc9FCh67aJijDi LTC MVfznUJm4yw3BqYEZgzt6sCAyG3FTfaHy1 ETH0x1917e3c0315db13ad2d5982a49075a17d133a7a3
End Times Ministries
Victim Advocate turned Targeted Individual; God spared me, pulled me out of that darkness and redirected my mission to help others break free from the Matrix. ~ Genesis 50:20 https://godsgirl.substack.com/ https://www.youtube.com/@imgodzgurl
This channel was created to try to get information out into the public regarding Mkultra Survivors and Targeted Individuals. Mkultra was the Mind Control program that began in 1953 and was supposedly halted in 1973. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKUltra What is a Targeted Individual? Thousands of people around the globe are complaining of many different ailments and problems, that don't appear to be 'normal' to the general public. We are all suffering differently, but we can all relate to one another as the symptoms are very similar. The aspects that we are covering include - CyberBullying - Voice Of God - Voice to Skull (V2K) Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) - Human experimentation - Gang Stalking - Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) - Street Theatre - Slander - Character Assassination - Behaviour modification - Dream manipulation - Transhumanism - Spyware - Gaslighting - Havana Syndrome and much more. God bless #targetedindividuals CONTACT email address mkultrasurvivor@protonmail.com
This is a 5 minute bible discussion of issues that effect us all
Hello my name is Wayne Morris and I am a life long trauma based mind control survivor from Melbourne, Australia. I have made this channel out of fear for my life as I am being tortured and slowly killed by my corrupt government and its shady security contractors. This program is all encompassing and destroys every aspect of ones life, mind, body, soul, reputation, finances and support. I am not a criminal, nor have I done anything worthy of this horrific treatment. There are many, many targets world wide (possibly in the millions), many are female and all are struggling to survive. This program very much ties in with the current depopulation agenda and that false flag that is COVID-19. This program is the prototype as to how dissidents or anyone with a differing opinion from their government will be handled. The only way to truly understand this program is to live it. I don't expect you to understand what I am going through, but I do ask you to be respectful. Thank you.
Feel free to subscribe and share with those that still deem the unacknowledged special access targeted individual program as "fantastical"
Helping people innerstand what a Targeted Individual is which includes energy directed weapons, dew, microwave burns, gang stalking, neural monitoring, slander, hacking accounts, internet interference, handler, nis, terroist list, blacklist,and more.
This channel is dedicated to the YouTube Tarotist community and to the contributors to the Early Christian Writings and Nag Hammadi websites. ________ In this channel I explore apocryphal Gospels and The Occult through experimental Tarot and Runic readings...while making historiography & theosophical / theological commentary. I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT claim any authority. I only am an ant in the forest, the voice of nobody in the wilderness. *** This Channel is dedicated, in Memoriam, to Benita La Bruja; the 16th Century Oracle of Seville and Marie Anne Lenormand; early 19th Century Parisian necromancer and fortune-teller. The two greatest Cartomancers who ever lived. *** /// THE OCCULT, ALCHEMY, NECROMANCY, TAROT & RUNE ORACLE HAVE NO SCIENTIFIC BASIS. ALL DIVINATION IS SUBJECTIVE AND CANNOT BE USED AS FACTUAL BASIS FOR MAKING DECISIONS. /// FOR FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION TO EXIST FOR ALL, THE DEVIL MUST BE GRANTED FREE SPEECH. Disclaimer: Under United States, United Kingdom, Australian and Canadian copyright law I am allowed to quote material from purposes of informing, education or parody. Plagiarism means using someone else's work without giving them proper credit. In all my videos I cite the sources and provide links to the sources. I am primarily, but not exclusively, a reviewer of political and theological ideas / concepts, articles, films, TV series, Tarot decks, Occult arcane and books. My intention is to bring visibility to non-conformist content makers whose "voices in the wilderness" are ignored or marginalized in the so-called "mainstream" (specially as it relates to social revolutionary politics or heretical theology). # The objective of this channel is to serve as a platform for free expression based on Articles 18 & 19 of the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. Content in this channel is inspired by metamodern and post-metamodern aesthetics. My intended audience are religious & political non conformists and social outcasts - not the general public. Most viewers of this channel are anonymous. My intention is to encourage innovation in non-conformist tarotism concept development. In this channel I develop concepts for monetization and marketing. Since Rumble is a Free Speech platform; I also want to develop content for Rumble through the responsible exercise of articles 18, 19 and 20 of the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and advocacy for Articles 1, 2 & 5 of the U.S. Bill of Rights of 1791, Articles 10 and 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (2012); as well as Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms / Charte canadienne des droits et libertés of 1982 covering "Fundamental freedoms": freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of belief & freedom of expression. Article 10 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: (1.) Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right includes freedom to change religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or in private, to manifest religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance. (2.) The right to conscientious objection is recognized, in accordance with the national laws governing the exercise of this right. Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: (1.) Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. (2.) The freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected. Article 18 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations 1948: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations 1948: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. This channel does not feature paid promotion. ---- Channel Human Rights Disclaimer: https://youtu.be/dl3RmFUjFNg
Probing the nexus of radical beliefs, mental health, tech, & politics. #TargetedTales #ExperienceBeyondIncredible
A 4x Punished Shitposter who now makes content.
Whiskey & Beer Reviews with educational tips
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