Covid Hoax and Its Deadly Biochemical Weapons, Commonly & Mistakenly Thought of as "Vaccines"


Covid-19 is just a variant of the flu that comes up every year. Yes, people do die of the flu, as has happened with Covid-19. The PCR tests were misused to diagnose Covid, as the PCR tests were never intended for diagnosis. Real vaccines come out of nature, as did the small pox vaccine. No real vaccine can be created in a laboratory. Chemical concoctions being called "vaccines" for Covid are actually very deadly. The have been fatal in many cases. Covid-19, not being spectacularly dangerous itself, was promoted into such a serious illness, that people would seek and demand a vaccine. So the pharmaceutical industry obliged, coming up with various chemical concoctions in their laboratories. Not particularly therapeutic, but it sure does make a lot of money for the pharmaceutical companies. I've added GMO to this channel as a topic to cover.

Rainman's Take


Welcome to “Rainman’s Take”! My name is Brian, the “Rainman” Lukacz and I’m based in Southern California. The name Rainman was my callsign from my days flying helicopters in US Marine Corps. \nSome of the things you can expect from the show. First, the format will be a variety podcast. I’m an insatiable reader, and I’m trying to understand the truth or as close to it as we can get. I love talking about history, politics, current affairs, cultural issues, you name it, if it interests me you will get my “Take” on it. The schedule will be one episode a week coming out on Thursdays. \nI started “Rainman’s Take” as a place to express my opinions and views on the world we live in. I highly encourage listener feedback and involvement especially from people who disagree with me. I want the channel to be a community of individuals who think for themselves and realize there is more to any story than what we are being told by the current media industry.



Don't give up, don't give in. Conspiracy theory- cia coined term to discredit anyone who questions the official media/government narrative. The paradigm is a lie, question all sides then you'll find your own happy place. ~💗Volunteerism💗~ What makes us who we are, we do~the answers are within all of us~ When you can~shut the door on the noise, shut the electronics, all talk and no action is the death of us. ~Utmost importance for our survival ~ K.i.s.s~keep it simple silly Find peace in simplicity, create with your hands, ~ find peace in nature, animals, hike, walk, surround yourself with positivity, positive people, positive music, vibes, breathe deep(oxygen soooo important), ice baths ~showers, relax, sleep well, heal yourself~heal your cells, gut~ inflammation is our enemy.. you'll find the truth within and share it. To thy own self be true. ~Love yourself~feel your light~then share~ Pass it on💗

Tana's Take(s)


Do you like to laugh at yourself? Like me at 43 trying to learn how to shuffle dance like a teenager on Instagram or TikTok? Well there's plenty videos in here that will entertain you. I also think I will be giving my two cents on a few things that I feel should be talked about with fellow Americans and humans from all over frankly about things that our ruling class and political bureaucrats are up to. Remember what they are actually supposed to be? Public Servants!! No, really! That's what these career politicians and bureaucrats originally signed up to be. But I admit, I don't feel like they are working for me and trying to make things better for me or anyone I know. Nope, I think quiet the opposite actually, and its important to talk about that. Our future depends on it. This is really something that should be welcomed to discuss. Politics is what shapes our world, our livelihood, our way of life... I think its time to stop being quiet because you might offend someone and start talking to each other more because what you will learn is that we actually are all much more alike than we are different. You just need to have have the open mind to hear and to listen. So if you're willing to do that I'll be posting some short videos that will probably be me venting at first. Asking for someone to tell me I'm wrong and go from there. This is for me to be able to speak what I know to you and at least get it out there and be open to what you think. If you're up for that, then I'll this will be fun and informative and for the betterment of all of us. Thanks for checking me out. xoxo