Sheepsong Ministries


SHEEPSONG MINISTRIES is a non-profit charitable organization committed to reaching the world for Christ through media, music-related outreach, street team evangelism, and missionary endeavors. Based at its’ core is an unwavering faith in Jesus Christ, along with the motivation to reach the ones among the 99 spoken of by Christ in ‘The Parable of the Lost Sheep’ of Luke 15. \n\nFor over a decade now, SHEEPSONG MINISTRIES has held over 500 weekly \'church without walls\' outreach events, affectionately referred to as "Meet Us At The Cross" outreach. These events are held right in the heart of the inner-city, with a focus of bringing hope and healing to these spiritually trodden down communities. Many who attend are experiencing extreme poverty, spiritual oppression, homelessness; and are truly blessed through the live anointed worship, preaching of the gospel, and alter calls that these outreach events offer. To date, SHEEPSONG MINISTRIES is responsible for distributing thousands of meals to the poor, and leading countless hurting people to Christ through these events. \n\n\nFOLLOW US:\nSubscribe to SHEEPSONG MINISTRIES to follow biblical, prophetic updates and encouraging worship videos:\n\nFollow us on Facebook:\nFollow us on Twitter:

Wolves And Sheeple


There is no left versus right, there is only US versus THEM. I am a lifelong truth seeker and patriot, and I believe that individual freedom is the most important human value. Humanity is under attack, and I believe that the USA is the last stronghold for freedom in the world. Join me as I discuss and analyze the state of the world and cover a myriad of topics that are of great concern. We all need to stand up and stop the global technocrat agenda before it\'s too late. Our children are depending on each and every one of us that have the eyes to see what is going on in this world.\nBitchute\nGab TV\nBrighteon\nOdyssey LBRY\nLBRY$/invite/@wolvesandsheeplepodcast:3\nRumble\nNewTube\nDtube!/c/wolvesandsheeple\nBittubers\nBrandNewTube\nMinds\nFlote\nParler\nGab\nDlive\nSubscribestar\nPayPal\nWebsite\nYoutube\nTwitter\nSteem\nTwitch\nSlug\nSoundcloud\nPeriscope\nEmail wolvesnsheeple at gmail

Evershed & Emery


The Conscious Evolution Teachings: Our work differs from those truth tellers that reveal astounding discoveries and then just leave you in a state of anxiety, rocking under the table with no solace in sight! Anyone who has parsed the astounding numbers of missing children or seen pictures of the once majestic Empire of Tartaria lying in ruins will know what I mean. We merge our studies of our Galactic history and science with the truths we reveal today. We have found the ultimate measuring stick of pure truth! There is no higher measure than the source of Pure Consciousness revealed! Our new-found angle of action seamlessly slots everything into perspective. Instead of reeling in disgust from some new heinous exposure of our perpetrators, you can now digest it and know that humanity is going to be alright, not just okay, but thrive! No more throwing up! We HAD to know the horrible truth of our history in order to evolve. Our revelations about the truth of our recent history all fall into place and provide a context for life right now in its myriad of states on this planet. Knowing the real truth of our distant past serves to help transition us readily to leave the old 3D paradigm and head for the fifth, well prepared and full of delight at the New Earth that awaits us!

The Curious Mind Unleashed


Welcome to The Curious Mind Unleashed, where we dive deep into the mysteries of the universe and explore the questions that keep you up at night. Join us as we investigate mind-bending topics like the law of attraction, the nature of reality, and the inner workings of the human body. Prepare to have your mind blown and your curiosity ignited! "Follow now to join our quest for answers!" "Click the notification bell to be alerted when we unlock new mysteries." "Share this video with fellow curious minds and let's unravel the universe's secrets together!" "Leave a comment below with your burning questions—we might just investigate them in our next video!"