

Fala familia! Sejam todos bem vindos ao POMPSCAST! Um programa semanal com convidados polêmicos, em entrevistas divertidas, falando sobre a vida, curiosidades, música e muito Rock n´Roll! Venha conhecer o "Lado B" das entrevistas. Espero todos vocês lá! IS WE! PompsCast Apresentação: Marcello Pompeu (Korzus) @pompeukorzus Equipe: Phellipe Sousa (PHD Studio) Eduardo Lime (Ecrators) Hugo Yuri Pace (Mega Vibes Eventos) Júlio Negrini (DOA SOM) Canal CORTES DO POMPS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyz4h8oWsDZUyJIn_qNQUXw/featured PompsCast no Instagram/Facebook/Tiktok @pompscastoficial #pompscast #marcellopompeu #korzus #entrevistas #podcast #shorts #rocknroll #musica #heavymetal

My Cuban Perspectives


Welcome to our YouTube channel, "Discovering Cuba!" Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture, rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and fascinating traditions of the captivating country of Cuba. Our channel here on Rumble provides an exciting look at Cuban culture with a variety of content covering different topics.Join us on a virtual journey as we delve into the unique aspects of Cuba's art, music, dance, cuisine, and much more. Discover the beautiful architecture of Havana, Trinidad, and Santiago de Cuba, which reflects a captivating mix of Spanish, African, and Caribbean styles. These cities are home to stunning buildings that offer a unique cultural experience.We'll guide you through the historic landmarks, colorful neighborhoods, and hidden gems that make Cuban cities so enchanting.

Unveiling the Unknown


"Unveiling the Unknown" delves into the forgotten annals of history and the hidden corners of the world, revealing untold tales and unearthing mysteries long shrouded in obscurity. From lost civilizations buried beneath layers of time to enigmatic figures whose legacies defy explanation, each story in this collection illuminates a facet of the human experience that has been overlooked or misunderstood. Through meticulous research and vivid storytelling, "Unveiling the Unknown" invites readers to embark on a journey of discovery, challenging preconceptions and expanding horizons as it uncovers the fascinating truths that lie just beyond the edges of our awareness.