Patrick Bet-David


Patrick Bet-David is a leading source of information for all. Our mission TO ENLIGHTEN, ENTERTAIN AND EMPOWER CURRENT AND FUTURE LEADERS AROUND THE WORLD. WHO WE ARE: Patrick Bet-David is the leading source for information, education and entertainment centred on the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and capitalism. WHY WE EXIST: There is a need for a voice that carries the torch for entrepreneurship and capitalism, projecting a compelling. WHO WE SERVE; Established and aspirational entrepreneurs, startup founders, students, entrepreneurs, and leaders within all types of organisations(public/private/non-profit). WHAT WE PROVIDE: A slate of live and online events and a growing content library that includes: video series, digital courses, podcasts and scripted programming. This vast content offering is delivered through our website, distribution partners including YouTube and Spotify and our own OTT channel.

Patrick Bet-David


Valuetainment is a leading source of information for all. Our Mission TO ENLIGHTEN, ENTERTAIN AND EMPOWER CURRENT AND FUTURE LEADERS AROUND THE WORLD. WHO WE ARE: Valuetainment is the leading source for information, education and entertainment centered on the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and capitalism. • WHY WE EXIST: There is a need for a voice that carries the torch for entrepreneurship and capitalism, projecting a compelling, positive message. We are that voice. • WHO WE SERVE: Established and aspirational entrepreneurs, startup founders, students, intrapreneurs, and leaders within all types of organizations (public/private/non-profit). • WHAT WE PROVIDE: A slate of live and online events and a growing content library that includes: video series, digital courses, podcasts and scripted programming. This vast content offering is delivered through our website, distribution partners including YouTube and Spotify and our own OTT channel.

Orlando Owen


Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen auf meinem Rumble Kanal, Mein Name ist Orlando Owen und ich bin Deutschlands führender Männlichkeitscoach und Mentor. Ich veröffentliche jede Woche Videos zu Themen wie Mannwerdung, Selbstwertgefühl, Beziehungen und vielen anderen spannenden Themen. Lass mich gerne wissen, was Dir das jeweilige Video gebracht hat und schreibe Deine Fragen in die Kommentare! Wenn Du mehr erfahren möchtest und wenn Du vor allem wissen möchtest was Du in Deiner Situation konkret tun kannst besuche uns auf oder schreib uns eine Email an Ich freue mich Dich bald persönlich kennen zu lernen. So long, dein Orlando



SIAMO DENTRO UN TRUMAN SHOW? ABBIAMO SOLO TRE RISPOSTE 1) Nessuna civiltà raggiungerà mai un livello di tecnologia in grado di creare realtà simulate. 2) Nessuna civiltà che abbia raggiunto una tecnologia cosi avanzata produrrà una realtà simulata pur potendolo fare, per una qualsiasi ragione, come l'uso della potenza di calcolo per compiti diversi dalla simulazione virtuale, oppure per considerazioni di ordine etico. 3) Tutti i soggetti con il nostro genere di esperienze stanno vivendo all'interno di una simulazione in atto.