Wycca Verified


ALL ARE WELCOME! I hope you enjoy the channel as much as I enjoy gaming. I mostly play MMORPG, however I am delving into other genres. If there is something you would like to see let me know. I am always looking for good recommendations for games. Thank you for taking the time to check out my channel. If you are new to my channel, please be sure to like and follow. Follow me on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/Wycca Find me on Locals: https://wycca.locals.com or send direct support at: https://streamlabs.com/wycca My streamer name is Wycca. I love gaming, music, knitting/fiber arts. I'm building a community for all to be entertained. In Locals, I will share my gaming content, some of the music I enjoy, and my knitting craft projects. Let’s have some fun!!!! Community Guidelines Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment: Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks. Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be. No pornography. Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming. Don’t make any threats of violence. Your words are free, and so are everyone else’s. I will not censor them, and mods will not censor them. That being said, your words are YOURS, and they attach to you. I am NOT responsible for what you do or say on this page or anywhere else. Other platforms you can find me: YouTube: ttps://youtube.com/@WyccaGaming Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/wycca Keyboard Photo by Mateo on Unsplash

Zero a Zero Nunca Mais


Esse é o guia para você sair do zero a zero da sua vida. Conteúdo 100% baseados em ciências comportamentais, provado cientificamente. Paul Ekaman Group, CBCA(Criteria Based Content Analysis). FBI(Federal Bureau of Investigation). Protocolo SCAnS (Six Channel Analysis) é o único com validação científica para a detecção de mentiras. Este protocolo é baseado na regra 3-2-7, que consiste na identificação de três pontos de incongruência em ao menos dois canais de comunicação em até sete segundos após um estímulo.