Página Um


PÁGINA UM é um órgão de informação, vocacionado sobretudo para a investigação jornalística e para a análise e reflexão de assuntos da actualidade com o objectivo de promover o debate público sobre temas de interesse social. PÁGINA UM é uma publicação online e digital independente, apartidária, não doutrinária e sem qualquer orientação ideológica ou de qualquer outra natureza. PÁGINA UM disponibiliza informação útil e factual, que responda aos interesses informativos dos cidadãos. PÁGINA UM conduz a sua acção pelo rigor informativo, apostando na diversidade de opiniões, e recusando perspectivas sensacionalistas. PÁGINA UM defende intransigentemente o espírito da Constituição Portuguesa e a vida em Democracia, bem como a Carta Universal dos Direitos Humanos, assente na completa liberdade de expressão. PÁGINA UM cumpre e respeita escrupulosamente o Código Deontológico dos Jornalistas e a legislação aplicável ao sector da comunicação social, actuando sempre numa base de boa-fé perante os seus leitores e as entidades públicas e privadas. PÁGINA UM apoia a divulgação de iniciativas de cariz cívico e que promovam o maior envolvimento dos cidadãos na vida do país.

GoAnimaker with Arisa Padira


Hello, this is my channel for Vyond and Animaker videos. I’m a GachaTuber who primarily posts Gacha videos but I love weaving stories & crafting characters using other animation software too. After posting 8 videos so far on Rumble, I’m thrilled to share my Vyond and Aminaker creations here. This Rumble channel will be a hub primarily for drama, but you’ll also find elements of comedy. If you’re a fan of Vyond and Animaker stories, you’re in the right place. I’m eager to grow and evolve in this community. Follow my channel & immerse yourself in the world of my Vyond and Animaker videos! :) Many videos in this channel are satirical and are not meant to be taken seriously but may contain offensive language. As of December 2021, I no longer use Vyond and now primarily use Animaker.

Arisa Padira's GachaTubia


Hello, I’m a GachaTuber who loves weaving stories & crafting characters using Gacha. I’ve just joined Rumble and I’m thrilled to share my Gacha creations here. This Rumble channel will be a hub primarily for drama, but you’ll also find elements of comedy, romance, & horror. If you’re a fan of Gacha stories, you’re in the right place. I’m eager to grow and evolve in this community. Follow my channel & immerse yourself in the world of my Gacha videos! :)

Channel Yourself Academy


Creative Healing Expression Καλωσορίσατε στην νέα δικτυακή μας κοινότητα που υποστηρίζει και προωθεί την μοναδική και ξεχωριστή σας αυθεντική σοφή φύση! Η Σχολή Εσωτερικής Θεραπευτικής & Μελέτης Στοχεύει: Να διδαχτείτε τους νόμους της πνευματικής ψυχολογίας που διακρίνονται από την ψυχική / συναισθηματική ψυχολογία. Να ξεκαθαρίστε τη φύση της Ψυχής και τις σχέσεις της με την Πηγή και την Εκδήλωση. Να αναγνωρίσετε τις σχέσεις μεταξύ της Ψυχής και του Σώματος και τις δυνατότητες τους μέσα από την Εναρμόνιση. Και πολλά άλλα που θα ανακαλύψουμε μαζί, μέσα από σεμινάρια και live streaming, διαλογισμούς και ασκήσεις! Ανακαλύψτε πώς αυτή η αρχέγονη σαμάνικη γνώση μπορεί και εφαρμόζεται στην καθημερινή μας ζωή για την επίτευξη της εναρμόνισής μας με αυτόν τον κοσμικό χορό. Namaste! Karina Alina Ardelean - Ireth Subtle Body Anatomy Practitioner 5 Elements - Shamanic Tantra Healer Spiritual Astrology - Sacred Tarot Counsellor Spiritual Artist - Activist & Life Coach

Arisa Padira's Plotagon Studio


Hello, this is my Plotagon channel. I’m a GachaTuber who primarily posts Gacha videos but I love weaving stories & crafting characters using other animation software too. After posting 7 videos on my Gacha channel, I’m thrilled to share my Plotagon creations here. This Rumble channel will be a hub primarily for drama, but you’ll also find elements of comedy. If you’re a fan of Plotagon stories, you’re in the right place. I’m eager to grow and evolve in this community. Follow my channel & immerse yourself in the world of my Plotagon videos! :)



Hey there, shoe lovers and music enthusiasts! Welcome to my YouTube channel, where I fuse my passion for #stylish #footwear with my love for cool #beats. Join me on a journey through the world of shoes and music, where I create content that's tailor-made for those who share my passion. From the latest shoe trends to groovy tunes, expect an entertaining blend of fashion and music vibes. Feel free to drop a comment or shoot me an email to connect. Your feedback fuels my #creativity and helps shape future content. Thanks for joining me on this exciting adventure! *Karina