Russia Intel


Mostly footage and news related to the Russia-Ukraine war of 2022 and the global competition between the western "liberal world order," NATO and everyone else. Please note: Videos will have subtitles or a translation in the title or description when available, but not always. Some footage may contain mature war-related content such as casualties, POWs, affected civilians, documented war crimes, etc. Viewer discretion is advised. Our purpose is to aggregate information we think deserves public consideration and scrutiny. The content of videos, titles, and descriptions does not necessarily reflect the views or intent of the uploader. Please seek information from many sources and continue to think critically, for yourself, and question everything. Thanks for watching and supporting!

Americans for Intelligence Reform


Politically conservative, intelligent news; bringing you facts and analysis from a 25-year CIA officer. What mainstream media plays down or ignores, we cover in depth. Brad Johnson, now retired, brings his extensive first-hand knowledge from his domestic and international intelligence responsibilities. Elected officials have lost sight of the Rule of Law and public safety. and our international enemies wish to seek our destruction and domination. Developments in those arenas are covered regularly here and hosted by various media outlets. Please subscribe and share. Brad Johnson is President of Americans for Intelligence Reform and you can visit to learn more and for all video interviews and printed articles. Links

The Fine Print with George Kamel Verified


Let’s face it—you probably aren’t where you want to be financially. You don’t know what to do or who to trust. You’re listening to headlines, social media and broke friends to make major money decisions. Making the right choices shouldn’t be this complicated. In every episode, George Kamel will do the research for you and break down money myths, trends and traps that you need to know about. With the right information, you’ll make smarter decisions with your life and money.