Julie&Leelou Lives Bis


☀️💖C'est un très grand plaisir de vous recevoir sur notre page Julie & Leelou Live☀️💖. Toute l'équipe vous souhaite la Bienvenue💖🍀. 💖Rassembler les Êtres Humains, l'Humain que Nous Sommes, dans l'Unité en Cœur, en Corps, et en Conscience 💖 🌞 Vous pouvez nous retrouver sur diverses plateformes.🌞 N'hésitez pas à nous y rejoindre😉🙏 📍 💥Nouvelle Chaîne Odysée💥 https://odysee.com/@JulieLeelouLives:f 📍Ancienne Chaîne Odysée https://odysee.com/@JulieLellouLives:c 📍Chaîne You Tube Libres comme l'Air https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI7ChV12EIRPCyc0fG7QL_A 📍Chaîne You Tube Multi Leelou https://www.youtube.com/user/MultiLeelou 📍Chaîne Twitch Julie & Leelou Lives https://www.twitch.tv/julieleeloulive 📍Page Facebook Julie & Leelou Lives https://www.facebook.com/Julie.Leelou.Lives 📍Page Facebook Libre comme l'Aire https://www.facebook.com/LibresCommeAir

For His Glory TX


Mike and Patty Balloun have been pouring their lives into ministry for many years. Mike has been a born-again believer for over 50 years and has been a teacher of the Bible for over 30 years. His teaching skills are inspired of the Lord and pointedly honest, with no schooled rhetoric or underlying motives to muddy the water of God’s Word. His powerful personal testimony, the overcoming in his life of “religious” theology/doctrines, and his depth of understanding of the Word of God is readily apparent. His willingness to be attentive to the Holy Spirit has been an enrichment to all who are fortunate to hear his messages. Both he and Patty inspire many to seek a personal more intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father, through our Advocate and coming Bridegroom Jesus Christ. Patty Balloun has been instrumental in so much of the behind the scenes aspects of this ministry. She is the backbone supporting the function of For His Glory TX. In the early years, she and Mike would open their home to the many people who would come and feast on God’s Word. She has served in various teaching roles throughout her life as a minister to women, and has accompanied Mike to various parts of the world spreading the gospel and love of Christ. Patty and Mike specifically have a heart for the people of India. They have given so much of themselves, their time, energy and finances to bless the poor and orphaned of India, and have been instrumental in the building of orphanages and churches in India throughout the last 15 years.

Cis White Male with Extra Privilege


YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2EVxfRNDTDHvrMZ6JyaCOQ Odysee - https://odysee.com/@CisWhiteMalewithExtraPrivilege:0 archive. org - https://archive.org/details/@cis_white_male_with_extra_privilege Bitchute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/3WwgXs4Q2YQc/ DONATE HERE IF YOU APPRECIATE THE CONTENT - https://cointr.ee/ciswhitemale "And just how," the mongoose demanded scornfully of the serpent, "do you propose to climb Mount Kailash, the home of Lord Siva? You who have neither arms nor hands, neither feet nor toes with which to grip the precipices?" "Very slowly," the serpent replied. "Carefully. Coiling back and forth upon my belly, over a rock here, up through a crevice there. I shall get there in the end, you know." The mongoose snorted in derision. But in his heart he suspected the serpent spoke truly. - Indian fable

De URSS a Rusia y CIS: Noticias en Español


¡Bienvenido al canal 'De URSS a Rusia y CIS: Noticias en Español'! Nuestro canal ofrece traducciones de voz de las noticias actuales de Rusia y los países de la CEI, abarcando la política, la economía, la sociedad y la cultura. Creemos que entender la diversidad de las noticias mundiales es importante para la sociedad global. Por eso, nos esforzamos por superar la barrera del idioma, proporcionando noticias confiables y actuales en español para todos aquellos que desean estar al día con los eventos en Rusia y los países de la CEI. 'De URSS a Rusia y CIS: Noticias en Español' es su fuente de noticias de los países que han experimentado cambios significativos desde la disolución de la URSS y que continúan desempeñando un papel clave en el escenario mundial. ¡Suscríbete a nuestro canal y mantente al día con las últimas noticias de Rusia y los países de la CEI en español! Descargo de responsabilidad: Utilizamos traducción de voz automatizada para crear nuestro contenido. Esto significa que no hacemos ninguna corrección en la traducción, lo que nos permite la rápida emisión de videos para nuestros espectadores. Nos esforzamos por proporcionar la traducción más precisa y completa posible, pero por favor tenga en cuenta que la traducción puede a veces contener inexactitudes o una interpretación incorrecta del texto original debido a las características de la traducción automática. Le agradecemos su comprensión y valoramos su interés en las noticias de la moderna Rusia y los países de la CEI.

Cooking with Essential Oils


Hi, I'm Miranda, This channel is all about cooking with essential oils in everyday recipes. These are the Most Notable Recipes that I have used for a Very LONG time, and now I have improved them to include the power of essential oils. The use of essential oils for dogs, cats, cleaning, and diffusing is profuse. Most people, however, don't know that you can cook with essential oils or know how to cook with essential oils. Knowing the difference between a safe oil to use in cooking and one that isn't, is very important. It's also important to know how much of oil to use in a recipe. Some oils are "Hot" which means that the oil should only be used in dilution when put on the skin. But in this case, it also is an essential oil that the taste is very strong, and you don't usually need as much of it in a recipe to make it work, or it will overpower the dish and other flavors. I will focus on cooking with essential oils, but I will also showcase other uses of essential oils.

The Oil Coach


Thanks for checking out my channel! My name is Melinda Reed and this channel is about the best TIPS, TRICKS, and IDEAS for using your essential oils as well as Motivation, Inspiration, and Life Tips. On this YouTube channel you will find regular videos on essential oil education as well as popular DIY tutorials, Life Tips and occasional Motivation and Inspiration topics. My passion is to help you learn how to actually USE your essential oils and implement the tips I share for a Happier, Healthier Life! Be sure to comment and say hello and let me know what kind of videos or DIY tutorials you'd like to see. Take Care and we'll talk soon! Melinda - TheOilCoach For more info contact me here: melinda@theoilcoach.net

Lisa Jo, your essential oil girl


I create these videos to connect and share snippets of my life, paving the way for deeper conversations about the natural benefits of essential oils. Due to compliance requirements, I can't discuss everything here, but by ▶️Download my free self-care guide, "Joy & Peace," youressentialoilgirl.com/joy guide, you'll join my email list where we can freely explore the world of doTERRA essential oils together. This approach helps us stay informed and empowered, despite the restrictions often imposed by pharmaceutical interests.

Hi, I am brand new to rumble still figuring it out! fill free to Embark on a journey into the esoteric realms of angels, archons, and Rosicrucian texts.


Delve into the celestial realm of angels, explore the enigmatic influence of archons, and uncover the hidden wisdom of Rosicrucian texts. This channel serves as a gateway to a world of spiritual enlightenment and mystical knowledge. Explore the following topics and more: Angelic Hierarchies and Powers: Uncover the diverse roles and responsibilities of angels within the celestial hierarchy. Archontic Influences and Their Impact on Humanity: Examine the enigmatic influence of archons on human consciousness and societal structures. Rosicrucian Texts and Their Hidden Wisdom: Decipher the profound messages embedded within Rosicrucian texts, unlocking secrets of spiritual transformation. Whether you're a seasoned seeker of esoteric knowledge or a curious novice, this channel offers a captivating exploration of the angelic realm, archontic influences, and Rosicrucian wisdom. Embark on a journey of spiritual awakening and uncover the hidden truths that lie beyond the veil of ordinary perception. Subscribe to this

Relaxing Music, Meditation Music, Instrumental Music, Read, Study, Work, Sleep, Hi-Fi ZEN


Press play and Zen away. I am a composer from USA. Whenever you need to relax, sit down or center your life again, I hope this music helps! I compose music that often can be described as sleep music, calm music, study music, peaceful music, beautiful music, breathwork music and relaxing music. Thank you very much for listening and for any feedback. If you enjoy my channel, I would be very happy if you decided to subscribe and start to build this community! ~JC @Hi-Fi ZEN Technical aspects; I use my synthesizers and record the music in my recording studio. In my personal research and testing, I figured I'd limit the video quality a bit, while the audio quality remains. That way you use less bandwidth when viewing a longer video. Upcoming: -Binaural, Hz, Frequency, Rife freq. vids, Xperimental Zounds, and more!

His Divine Grace Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada was born in 1896 in Calcutta, India. He first met his spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami, in Calcutta in 1922. Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, a prominent devotional scholar and the founder of sixty-four branches of Gaudiya Mathas (Vedic institutes), liked this educated young man and convinced him to dedicate his life to teaching Vedic knowledge in the Western world. Srila Prabhupada became his student, and eleven years later (1933) at Allahabad, he became his formally initiated disciple

Hi everyone, I am Samir Ferecov and wellcome to my channel.


Hi everyone, I am Samir Ferecov and wellcome to my channel. Auto Service videos, specially on Mercedes w 210, are presented to you in this channel. If you really want to learn about car repairing tips of Mercedes-Benz automobiles you can be sure that this channel will serve your purpose. I regularly upload videos on various car issues, such as, cleaning led headlights, giving car tyres deep black shine, assembling and disassembling individual parts of cars and etc. I hope you will enjoy my channel and learn many things on car service. Thanks to all. Comment, like and subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7o3kRwZD5CX15tTuSnk2SQ Let me know what you think. My e-mail: samir.ferecov84bk.com@gmail.com