American Patriots for God and Country Verified


🪖 MISSION STATEMENT: American Patriot Steve Baldassari operates this channel standing firmly for God, Country, and Truth in an End Times world that seems to have lost its way. We true God-fearing American Patriots are willing to stand in the gap and fight for freedom. At a time where most people are making excuses to simply bend the knee and comply with tyrants and their tyranny, as God is our witness, you have our word #WeWilNotComply! 👕 MERCH STORE: For the love of ✞ God and 🇺🇸 Country, SHOP! If you do, be sure to use the SAVE15 discount code at checkout to save 15% on your order(s). 💰 DONATE (Locals): or (PayPal): ⬇️ FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA ⬇️ 1. Rumble - 2. Telegram - 3. Brighteon - 4. Truth Social - 5. BitChute - Until next time, stay American, stay Patriotic, and above all else, stay Godly... PEACE!

Ada Ehi


Ada Ehi is a Nigerian born international gospel singer-songwriter, recording and performing artist known for releasing some of Africa\\\'s biggest gospel music content, known all over the world today. Her song, \\\'Only You Jesus\\\' was recently named by YouTube Nigeria, as the 20th biggest song of the past decade - next to Sinach\\\'s Way Maker and I Know Who I Am, and Yemi Alade\\\'s Johnny who were the only other female singers from Nigeria to make the list. Being listed as one of Nigeria’s most influential Christian, she’d been singing since age 10 where she was backing up fellow child star, Tosin Jegede in a music group. Shortly after, she joined Pastor Chris\\\' Loveworld, where she was nurtured along with Sinach, Eben, JoePraize and many more. She quickly found her sound, and is distinctively known for songs across different genre but with the unmistakeable richness and high pitch of her unique voice, and sweet ballad. Currently with over half a million YouTube subscribers and growing rapidly, Ada Ehi delivers some of the finest music videos you\\\'d find from Africa, flavoured with beautiful and scenic views, distinctive and adventurous fashion, finely blended with uplifting and soul stirring music as she inspires faith and strength in God in today’s world.



Découvrez l\'univers poétique tendre et décalé de Blagodariov, le baladin du vivre-ensemble. Provocateurs mais consensuels, insolents mais populaires, alliant sensibilité et engagement, ses tubes gentils, homotolérants, citoyens, festifs et métissés proposent un traitement résolument ludique et joyeusement moderne des grandes thématiques contemporaines. Aussi musicales que théâtrales, ses chansons débordent de rêves, d\'amours, de rires, et d\'utopies.\r\n\r\nRetrouvez l\'intégrale de ses chefs-d\'œuvre à cette adresse :\r\n\r\nPour lire une critique honnête, intelligente et objective de son travail, c\'est par ici :\r\n\r\nNOTE IMPORTANTE : \r\n\r\nL\'espace commentaire de Blagodariov est un safe-space non-mixte où les Blanc.hes peuvent entre elleux échanger sur leur expérience de racisé.es. La présence de nos de couleur, bien qu\'enrichissante et diverse, est donc ici indésirable.

God and the Paranormal


A BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE on ghosts, UFOs, Bigfoot, cryptids, demons, angels, psychics, magic, miracles, and other paranormal high strangeness. Why a Christian podcast about stranger things? Yes, there are many crucial topics for us to ponder and engage, such as evangelism, sanctification, outreach, and discipleship. However, there are often situations in which less important side issues sneak up from behind and bite the more important ones. Although the supernatural is just one component among many others in a biblical worldview, it's becoming increasingly evident that unbiblical paranormal beliefs are significantly altering the worldviews of our society and of many Bible-believing Christians. The pop-culture paranormal makes people question what they've believed to be true, which ultimately leads many to question the integrity of God's Word. Worldview matters, and when worldviews change, there will be tangible consequences to evangelism, discipleship, and faith in general. "God and the Paranormal" takes an in-depth look at what "experiencers" claim and how the phenomena interact with scriptural truth. See YouTube versions for pic, notes, charts,,, Website: Email: Check all our podcasts for a variety of topics like cryptids, miracles, Nephilim, ghosts, Bigfoot, biblical worldview, Heaven, Hell, dogman, Sasquatch, elementals, spiritual warfare, shadow people, black-eyed children, UFOs, UAPs, extraterrestrials, territorial spirits, hat man, Genesis 6, giants, Rephaim, Ephesians 6, moth man, rakes, skinwalkers, shape-shifters, ley lines, magic, psychics, ESP, demons, angels, pseudepigraphs, Watchers, Anunnaki, Ir, bene Elohim, sons of God, Sethite view, line of Cain, Lucifer, Satan, Eden, Yeti, DUMBs, Area 51, Jersey Devil, Wendigos, Stonehenge, Indrid Cold, Enoch, Chupacabras, Reptoids, and much more...



Hello there! Welcome to my channel! I've created this channel with a purpose to create gaming videos that all can enjoy! As of now, I'm focusing more on the game Toontown Rewritten, but I do play a variety of other games that I hopefully can upload on this channel one day! Feel free to message me about anything! I've linked my e-mail and Instagram to this channel, of which I check frequently. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope that you have a great rest of your day :) Channel Art created by: @DaddyDark