Long time Fixed ONLY Annuity wholesaler with traditional insurance values. The world of tax deferred insurance products through videos geared to agents & risk averse client. On this channel, I highlight the underlying guarantees that make financial insurance products a viable option for the very risk averse. Discussions of guaranteed accumulation & income through FIXED ONLY annuity products. Dispelling the myths that all annuities have huge withdrawal charges & big commissions. Products for these clients are being effectively suppressed. A lack of marketing, training and the lower profitability to the issuer all contribute to this. You will be glad you found us! This material is for informational, educational & entertainment purposes. It is not a recommendation to buy, sell, or rollover any asset. Withdrawals made prior to age 59½, may be subject to a 10% penalty. Annuity guarantees are backed by the claims-paying ability of the issuer. Products not approved is all states.

Beyond The Meatsuit


Beyond the Meatsuit, Disclosure Unleashed! True stories from our interdimensional experiencers. Join your co-hosts Salt and Firefox as they take you on a journey of discovery. Ride the red pill deep down the rabbit hole with us as we explore the unexplained, awaken lightworkers, and promote truth and freedom. Enter the 9D realm of Bigfoot, UFOs, Alien Contact, Skinwalker, Shaman, Healers, Hypno Regression, Psychics, Channeling, Remote Viewers, Walk Ins, Government Secrets, and the never ending journey into the truth beyond the veil. Join us and be the light! Beyond The Meatsuit Podcast LIFT OFF begins 2024.