Guide To Mastering Life's Skills


This enlightening Rumble channel is the brainchild of philosopher and influencer Tasos Kontrafouris, dedicated to empowering individuals by providing comprehensive guidance on enhancing their knowledge and abilities.Tasos Kontrafouris, renowned for his deep understanding of philosophy and his unique ability to connect profound concepts with real-world scenarios, brings you engaging content that challenges conventional wisdom and encourages intellectual exploration. By blending academic knowledge with relatable anecdotes and captivating storytelling, he creates a captivating learning experience for viewers of all backgrounds.Uncover the secrets of honing your critical thinking skills, understanding the complexities of human nature, and embracing a growth mindset that propels you towards achieving your aspirations. With a focus on practical applications, our videos offer actionable strategies and techniques that can be easily implemented in your daily life.

Basic Skills For Basic Things in Life


Home makers were revered as bastions of knowledge and stability within the family. Housewife is a derogatory term in our educational and professional institutions. There are so many basic things that home makers did that have now been replaced with habits that are far less useful. A few generations ago, even in my childhood, there were families in our subdivision that kept chickens, Our backyard neighbors did as did many in my neighborhood. One family also had goats. There was a small sheep farm in the neighboring subdivision. Fresh eggs were the norm as was at least partial self sufficiency. Most suburban places today allow you to have a few chickens (probably not roos though). You don’t need a farm to have chickens or rabbits, rid your family of seed oils, maintain your own baking yeast, render your own animal fats or completely change your relationship with the planet that you live on. Start where you are with what you can do NOW, then grow from there.

Jungle Lifeskills.


Hi Everyone! I create this Channel in order to show you about the life of people in the jungle and how to survive if you are living in the forest and also the building skills. All my videos contain the technique in how to make something easy by using own skills. Primitive Jungle Lifeskills is a youtube channel that I really passionate and I will continue making more new videos. I hope you enjoy watching my videos. If you enjoy please Like, Comment, and Share. And don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to get an update from me.

education- marketing- softskills- leaders

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تكمن أهمية وجود المهارات الحياتية في حياة الفرد في قدرته على التكيّف مع كافّة الظروف، والنجاح في نهضة المجتمعات وازدهارها، ومُنطلق ذلك من الدين الحنيف الذي بيّن أنّ الغاية من خلق الإنسان هي إعمار الأرض وخلافتها، وقد حثّ النبي محمد -صلى الله عليه وسلم - على إتقان العمل والقيام به على أفضل صورة؛ إلّا أنّ نقص المهارات الحياتية لدى الاجيال الحالية يُعتبر من أهمّ المشكلات التي يجب البحث عن حلول سريعة لها، ذلك أنّ مخرجات المؤسسات التربويّة تفتقر إلى المهارات الحياتيّة، وبالتالي يفشل الكثيرون في حياتهم الوظيفية والشخصيّة؛ بسبب غياب هذه المهارات لديهم.