Sun in the West is a charity to aid people in need! We work to be a light to people, just like the sun is to our planet


Sun in the West is a charitable organization here to help aid people in need! We work to be a beacon of light and warmth to people, just like the sun is to our planet. We are currently growing logistics for many areas of the world. It takes time and support! We are working to get the help, to the areas of the world that are normally ignored by Western media and Western charities. Information and awareness, are just as important to us, as donations. Therefore, please share and tell others about us, in order to help the awareness grow! If you are financially sound and are able to spare one or two dollars, we appreciate the donations as well. Let us all work together to bring about a warmer world, just like the sun does for us

Baldy Brian in Thailand


I'm Baldy Brian, an adventure vlogger living in Thailand. I'm passionate about exploring the outdoors and pushing my limits. I love to hike, trek, and climb mountains, and I'm here to share my experiences with you. I'm originally from the United Kingdom but moved to Thailand a few years ago. Since then, I've been on countless adventures, from trekking through jungles and scaling mountains to exploring hidden temples and remote villages. I aim to create content that inspires and encourages others to explore and experience the great outdoors. I'm always looking for new and exciting challenges and constantly pushing myself to the limit. On this vlog, I'll share stories from my adventures, photos of the places I've been, and tips and tricks I've picked up along the way. I'll also highlight some fantastic people I've encountered on my trekking, hiking, and climbing journeys. So, join me on my journey and let's explore Thailand together!